Keeping up D.C.?


New member
I know a few guys were starting D.C. - are you keeping it up?
My next workout is my third set of exercises. I have to say I'm
liking it. Its fast and I am getting used to the one all out set and
streches. I hadent gotten sore for a long time and its funny - now
my arms get sore after back day. I think I'm growing. Only been a
short time and I notice improvments. what about you guys??
yeah I was doing a 2 day split and not noticing shit so I've swithced back to a 3 day split and I'm going to put everything into it for the next 3 months. If it works then great, if not...back to volume for me.
im running similar to the dc program well going to i know its provin but volume is still working for me im thinking about 2 sets per muscle. twice a week different exercise's. two days off then repeat ill be on so i dont think over training will come into play.
im still doing it and loving it. strength goes up EVERY exercise everytime. I couldn't imagine the results if I wasn't in a calorie deficit.