Shake advise


New member
I've just started using protein shakes. I have whey protein, dextrose, and glutamine in my pwo shake now.

Since i work out in the morning what do I put in my shake for the after noon shake? do I keep my shake the same or change out the dextrose for another carb?
I just started on this training system and have along way to go. I dont really plan on getting big enough to compete or anything like that however. I do want mass and fat loss.
Most people don't compete. Do you have more specific goals?

Personally, I find I don't get as much bloat with albumin or casein protein, but I get it every time with whey.
Its weird for me casein blows me up. I have some now and it gives me gas horribly. Everyone is different I guess. I'd throw creatine in and a good multivitamin if you haven't already. I would look to some type of complex carb in the afternoon but my metabolism sucks and Im on synthroid so if you have a fast metabolism you may need the dextrose.
Dextrose is pretty cheap and works well with your pwo shakes. Waxy Maize Starch is better IMO and not much more expensive. Another one of our mods uses a dex/malto mix and I'm pretty sure it works just as well since he hasn't switched over to WMS.
As far as what to drink during the afternoon, you could either eat a slow carb or look into a slow meal replacement shake (if you're looking for convenience).