What are your macro's on your diet?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Whats everyones macros currently at and are you bulking or cutting? Is it working well for you?

Im running just shy of a ketosis diet lots of fat with mediocre carbs. So far its working great. Yesterday i was 52% protein 36% fats and 12% carbs.
total cals were 2776. Im cutting right now and surprisingly feeling great on this diet with little carbs.
i dont know my numbers off bat. prolly medium carbs and protein and high fat.
im sure there is a formula i still haven't applied. But what im shooting for is (fat40-80, cals 3000, and protein 300+)
I've tried the 40/40/20 when bulking....over the summer when cutting i tried the 50/30/20 on a lean bulk pushing for 400-450 grams of protein and found that works better for me in terms of lean gains so i dont have to drop carbs and adjust my diet drastically to cut fat