Seth Feroce: Shoulder Workout


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Seth Feroce: 2 Weeks Out Shoulder Workout

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Part 2 of 2
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Dude iz lookin good for only 24.....huge tha song on tha way to tha gym ''u look so much cuter with sumthin in ur mouth'' GUD SHIT lol
I followed his exact routine yesterday. Wow... I dont think i've ever hit front delts that hard.
why does he keep hiswires to his headphones in his mouth lol? keep them out of the way or what? i would bite through that shit probably lol.
yea lol says his torso is short n it gets int he way so he just got into the habit of puttin em there n slowly startin chewin shud tel neone wantin to get huge thats the secret lmao ;)
yea lol says his torso is short n it gets int he way so he just got into the habit of puttin em there n slowly startin chewin shud tel neone wantin to get huge thats the secret lmao ;)

Yeah two plus Grams a week of Test and eat about 6 lbs of chicken a day.
6 ounces chicken and 2 pieces wheat bread. My first meal is 50g's of whey and 30g's of oats. Im cutting right now but i usually have enough energy throughout.
his form seems pretty bad in a few of those exercises. but somethings obviously working for him.