Are You a HEALTHY Bodybuilder?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Are You a HEALTHY Bodybuilder?


The past few weeks there has been a lot of discussion on various health related issues like heart-attacks, health in general, etc. It got me to start wondering how "healthy" some of us here are. I know I pretty much fooled myself that I was a fairly healthy bodybuilder when I would only drink protein drinks, take a multi-vitamin and EVOO, but in reality, I was missing out on a lot of supplements and foods and micro-nutrients for a healthier "inside".

Here's the thing about health.... when it finally goes, it's b/c of months to years of abuse/neglect. Plaque deposits don't happen overnight... arthritis doesn't "just happen"... these and other health problems are usually the resultant accumulation of poor diet, nutrients, and supplementation.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying anything about training hard or using "super supplements"... I'm all for going hardcore in the weights and REASONABLE (somewhat relative term I know) and INTELLIGENT use of any other ancillaries. But with those- a healthy diet and proper supplementation will take you a long way into a healthier older life. What you do in your 20's can/will affect your 30's... your 30's into your 40's, etc. All of us are going to die, plain and simple... BUT- I want to die "healthy" and not stuck in a wheelchair, etc.

B/c of all that mentioned above is why I wanted to share some of the things I take and do now that aren't just "bodybuilding" related/specific (creatine, etc.) but also geared toward, well, health. I suppose that's the "mother-hen" Nurse side of me .

As mentioned several times in past threads, I TRY to always go for "the most bang for my buck". There are plenty of "good" foods and supplements one can take, BUT, I try to ask what supplements (and foods) are really going to deliver the MOST benefits (and have science behind them). I also try to frame this question against the two key factors/culprits/common denominators in disease and aging that I've pointed out before... free radicals and inflammation.

This list is pretty much only for longevity/health and does not include compounds/supp's for BB (although some do "cross-over")...

1) Grean tea: 2 packs, one to two times a day- for free radicals

2) Trader Joe's "Green" powdered drink: once a day (keeps body alkaline)

3) ALA: 900-1200 mg, per day- EXCELLENT anti-oxidant that is BOTH lipid and water soluble (most AO's are "specific" in that they are either water OR lipid soluble- this crosses both). Also great for blood sugar regulation.

4) DHEA- 25mg, BID to maintain the "back-pathway" (ala John Crisler) of hormone synthesis, particularly if on super supplements.

5) Vitamin D3: 8000iu- raise HDL levels and healthy colon

6) NOW multivitamin

7) Fish oil: 10 grams/day- mostly for inflammation

8) Niacin: 1 gram, REGULAR niacin- raise HDL levels (note- non-flush DOES NOT raise HDL levels and is hepatotoxic)

9) Synthergine- 1.5 mL's BID. 'nuff said.

10) B6: 300mg in the AM- lowers homocysteine levels which higher levels have been significantly correlated with heart disease (note- there is some disagreement if lowering homocysteine levels via B6 supplementation decreases heart disease... but it's very cheap, so why not? )

11) Baby aspirin: to thin the blood by decreasing platelet aggregation.

12) Ubiquinol: 100-200mg/day... support cardiac function (highly suggested for those over 40 and/or those on super supp's). I'm not entirely convinced that ubiquinol is all that superior to "regular" CoQ10. C10 becomes much more bio-available when taken with fat. But, for a few dollars more, I'll go with the ubiquinol for awhile.

What I COULD take, but don't: supp's for prostrate health... only b/c I take aromasin and so many other anti-inflammatories. The thought now for prostrate hypertrophy/plasia/cancer is that it's the estrogen and inflammation that is the cause of it's problems. I may eventually throw in some kind of prostrate "formula" later (SPB, pumpkin seed, etc.).

1) I pretty much use only coconut oil for all my cooking or to fulfill my macro needs with my LBA's. Look this stuff up... it's AMAZING. In short- a saturated fat that will lower cholesterol. I'm not doing it justice here.

2) Mentioned in a previous post- the only carbs I get now are from fruits, and from those, pretty much only pineapple (great for inflammation) and blueberries and prunes (two of the highest in anti-oxidants).

3) 1 TBSP cocoa powder (dark or regular, no sugar) to my LBA's or coffee one to two times a day... vasodilator (increases NO), POTENT anti-oxidants (better than green tea actually), helps lower LDL levels

4) 1/2-1 tsp cinnamon powder to my LBA's or coffee one to two times a day- regulates blood sugar, raises HDL levels.

1) Here is what may seem like a funny one at first... Brush and floss twice a day- sounds silly right?... here's the thing- I bet most here only brush their teeth in the morning and rarely twice a day (particularly the guys- unless going out to some event/date/etc). It's like this though- diseased/unhealthy gums are significantly correlated with heart disease... it's the inflammation relationship.

2) Sleep... I wish I could say I get 7-8 hours sleep a night... but I SO suck at this one. Besides our usual concern about sleep and muscle recuperation, proper sleep really is one of the best things you can do for mental and physiologic health.

I mentioned before I really "kicked up" my dedication and seriousness about getting lean since January, but also for my health. I have to say, besides looking and feeling better... I even look several years younger!
Excellent post, thanks Chris. This subject of being a "healthy" bodybuilder is very important to me. Looking awesome feels great but I don't want to compromise my longevity to do it. The whole point is to be lean, muscular, and HEALTHY! It's a package deal.
I agree to a point. Health, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. I take fish oils, glucosamine, multi's, 2g of Vit C and have a pretty good diet, but let's face it. As long as you aren't putting yourself intentionally in harm's way and are conscious about the basics, you are healthier than 99.99999999% of the populace. I had a friend who was a health nut eating wheat grass and shit die at 28 of a pulmonary embolism. I'm not spending my money on ALA over a bottle of test. That goes the same for Ubiquinol and green tea. It is an interesting post none the less and had I gone through what Chris went though maybe I wouldn't have the same attitude.
I think it's good to be reminded every once in a while the difference between healthy for one's body, healthy for one's mind and optimal for muscle building, weight maintenance and leaning out.
There is nothing healthy about bodybuilding....Ya we eat healthy food like chicken and workout but, Your either eating way to much food than your body can handle or dieting down to the point that your eating nothing. Then theres cheat days YUMM going to mcdonalds 8 times sure as hell aint healthy lol. Lets not forget about our carb depletion and dehydration which is certainly not good for our bodies.... Mentally, bodybuilding is a tough sport. Your never big enough, you always pick apart your body, bodybuilders are the most self conscious people around. Everyones famous line " ya im just holding a bit of water" - excuse because your not shreded at the moment but still way leaner than most people. we may look good and be in great shape, but i still dont beleive this is a "Healthy sport". The sacrifices we make too look good i guess :)
Wow.. I just read, and re-read that.. that's a ton of stuff to help keep the body clean on the inside... just curious CHRIS.. what would an average round about pricing for all of that per month be? 100... 200 bucks? Then adding in well.. Grocery Bill... and everything else.. we are talking probably approx. 1000 dollars per month to lead a healthy progressing bodybuilder lifestyle.. so let's cap that all at 15000 per year to aspire to bodybuild.. maybe do a couple Minor shows while progressing up the ladder.. getting closer and closer to victory at ur career.. I guess I never really thought of ANY of this... and Heck.. I am Nearing my 30's as we speak... i know I have time to earn my PRO-CARD in my lifetime.. but.. i guess now..I have a better sense of what it will be attacking me financially.. but.. it's ONLY MONEY.. and WE ALL DO DIE ONE DAY.

TO Me, I would rather die KNOWING I accomplished what I wanted to.. than sat by and did nothing just WAITING to Die..

The Greatest Thing about MONEY.. Is You CAN Always Spend Every Penny you got.. but the option of making it back is always open as long as you work for it.. MONEY IS JUST THAT.. MONEY.. Who honestly cares as long as you are in the pursuit of happiness and your dreams/goals..

But I agree.. I dont want to Die.. In A wheelchair, having to go to the bathroom in a bag, or be incapicatated to the point a live in nurse has to make sure my oxygen tube was in my nasal cavity and that I was eating, and having to wipe my butt when I poo-poo in my adult diapers; HELL NO. That will NEVER BE ME !!
the vitamins fish oils and all that cost me a good little bit but i get some peace of mind
Good post. Those of us that have kids for sure need to think about this kind of thing. There is nothing wrong with being careful in my opinion. None of us live forever but I want to be here as long as I can anyway.
I'm reckless and take uneccessary risks nearly everyday of my life. While this makes for an interesting and often times fulfiling life, I'm sure my body is far from healthy.

What I need is a good healthy colon cleanse. That should fix my wagon
I'm reckless and take uneccessary risks nearly everyday of my life. While this makes for an interesting and often times fulfiling life, I'm sure my body is far from healthy.

What I need is a good healthy colon cleanse. That should fix my wagon

Just stick the water hose up your ass then turn it wide open.:moon: When shit quits coming out your mouth turn it off. That should clean it out pretty good.:thumbsup: