What cardio works for you?


New member
Love it or hate it, cardio exercises are vital. What do you do to burn calories and keep your heart rate up?

I never did cardio unless it was for a show but when i did do it, i always did the bike, I also use to always time myself between sets, this would always have me soaking wet and on my 2nd or 3rd tshirt by the end of the workout, I would time myself at 30 seconds between each set, but havent done that either in ages
when i was a bantam and lightweight i'd brisk walk laps around the high school track.....now that i'm heavier and trying to take care of my joints as i get older, i prefer the recumbant bike......i drastically reduce rest between sets and do alot of supersets,trisets,down the rack,etc to make up the difference
I've been jumping rope and it's been great. Except for th first couple of weeks while I looked and felt like a monkey fucking a football. Now that I have my timing and shit down, it's a lot more enjoyable lol
I mix it up. Just up the "level" so it gets my heart rate to where it needs to be. I mix it up cause I get really bored with one thing for 45-60 minutes.
I mix it up. Just up the "level" so it gets my heart rate to where it needs to be. I mix it up cause I get really bored with one thing for 45-60 minutes.

This is why I took up jumping rope, I can get it done in 10-15 minutes and have a hell of a cardio session.
I do sled pulls, I keep a sled in the back of my truck and then no matter what I can get some sprints done in a matter of minutes.
i liek the tread on NO lncline at about 3.2 after workouts..... helps keep the size in my legs and i really burn calories after a good weight training sessions... but before i hop on i have a heavy dose of aminos to avoid any muscle breakdown
Stairmaster...not super fast...but not holding onto anything or leaning all over it...only thing that gets deep striations in my legs.
What works best for me is 25 mins on the elliptical in the morning and then another 25 mins after my workout at night, either on the elliptical again, or on the treadmill at 2.2-2.6 with an incline of at least 10.

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stairmaster to get my heart rate the highest.
elliptical if my legs are sore
bike if lower back is sore
I like doing eliptical for 30 mins at target heart rate right after do 30 mins THR tredmil (run at your pace) or walk at 12 or so incline at 4 mph for 30 mins. its sounds lame but it gave me the workout i needed and i dont get bored, switch it up one of those with jump rope for 15 mins every other time you do cardio.
I've tried to do cardio before on the bike and eliptical but after about 2 minutes I'm bored and ready to move on. I know I could use it but right now I just try to diet really good.