Heavy shrugs...

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
I haven't been doing heavy shrugs at all (225 on barbell was typically as high as I'd go), but since I've really been working on getting my deadlift up I figured I'd better start again. I went up to 405 for barbell shrugs yesterday for 3 sets of 8 and I'm sore as shit today. Now I remember why I quit doing them. I was using moderate weight and just really focusing on squeezing each rep and holding it at the top, but that was nothing in preparation for these heavy sets
I usually do em for 405 also and then the next week I will do dumbbell shrugs with lighter weight to really focus on the squeeze...
I'm up to 595 for 20, but I'm getting some chiropractic and nerve issues with my upper and inner traps from the shrugs, deadlifts, and squats. Going tomorrow for deep tissue massage and muscle relaxation injections.
best thing that I've found to do for shrugs is to focus on the stretch at the bottom of the movement...flex the traps at the bottom of the movement
never tried doing that..sounds good for today. i've never been able to go above 225 w/o causing spinal pain though..not sure why but i never push it. dont mind doing lots of reps for shrugs
I used to use the same grip I do on deads, but now I do double unders and I need to use straps for anything over 365 for some reason