Extreme Muscle Building Secrets


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Extreme Muscle Building Secrets

<!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="Content" -->Don’t waste your workout. If you aren’t exercising properly all the time you spend in the gym could be a waste. Learn the secrets used by top bodybuilders all over the world.
Extreme muscle building requires an intense workout routine and should only be attempted by people who are familiar with advanced bodybuilding techniques. Like any other diet and exercise program, you should always consult with a medical professional to determine if your course of action will be safe and healthy.
You need to know that extreme muscle building doesn’t just happen overnight. It requires dedication over a long period of time to achieve great results. When you first begin working out, you will probably achieve muscle growth quickly and easily. After some time you will find it harder and harder to gain any additional muscle mass. Natural bodybuilding without dangerous steroids and human growth hormones is a long hard road. It’s a road that doesn’t include a McDonald’s drive through or any rest areas, if you know what I mean.
Muscle Overload

You will never gain muscle mass unless you push your muscles to the limit, sometimes even to the point of temporary muscle shutdown. Getting ripped is a rather literal term as your muscles will actually tear during a workout which causes them to be rebuilt bigger every time. If you aren’t pushing your sets to the limit then odds are you won’t be getting very good results and could even be wasting your time. You need to follow a strict muscle building routine or throw in the towel.
Forced Reps

Overload can only be achieved by forcing yourself to complete the maximum number of reps you are capable of and then having your spotter help you complete a few extra forced reps. Forced reps are the reps that are sure to overload your muscles and provide killer results. Forced reps push your muscles to the limit physically, so they require ample downtime after to allow your body to regenerate and repair. Taking 1-2 days between each workout is recommended and taking a week off once in a while won’t hurt either. This allows your body ample time to rebuild, leaving you stronger than ever before.

To allow for proper muscle recovery you should always alternate the muscle groups you are focusing on during your workout from day to day. For example, one day you could focus on your legs and abs while the next day you focus on your arms and chest. This allows the other muscle groups to repair themselves while you work on other groups.
Extreme Muscle Building Secret

It’s important to note that doing fewer reps with more weight will always be more effective than doing more reps at a lower weight. You should always shoot for about 6 to 20 reps. If you can get past 20 reps without reaching muscle overload you should up the amount of weight you are lifting. The weights you use should always be heavy enough to make it a real struggle to finish any set. Doing more reps will only increase your endurance and won’t actually build more muscle, no matter how hard you try.
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