starting eq with my stack. some q's


New member
i was thinking about adding eq to my normal test e ,deca and adrol stack. would this even be a more effective cycle. I have never used eq but heard great things. what are the on cycle and post cycle therapy. any input is appreciated.
i was thinking about adding eq to my normal test e ,deca and adrol stack. would this even be a more effective cycle. I have never used eq but heard great things. what are the on cycle and post cycle therapy. any input is appreciated.

yeah it couldnt hurt brutha! it should help with ur appetite and add some vascularity to your body i would think. and I personaly dont use any pct drugs during cycles , just afterwards, and I would say some HCG and clomid at the end would help
what effects are you not getting from the Test, Deca, Drol that you think adding EQ you will get?
More hardness and vascular. I've gotten great results on what I've been taking I just want to step it up. I'm also going to ne using Mc igf for the first time this next cycle
More hardness and vascular. I've gotten great results on what I've been taking I just want to step it up. I'm also going to ne using Mc igf for the first time this next cycle

Your not going to get that unless your lean. Very low bodyfat.
Im still working on bulking. im leaner than i ever been but have a very long road to get where i need to be. after each cycle i become leaner that the one before. i just thought it would enhance my gains. if it wont make a difference then i wont take it. my body has done well on what ive been taking not to many sides so i just thought i would add to it. but if you say it wont add anything i believe you nuk.
just throw in some cardio, it will not hurt your gains at all.

I agree. Don't up your total doses unless you have to. You quickly get to the point where you are having more sides than results. Also EQ and Drol will have your BP pretty high.
If anything, I'd replace Deca with EQ rather than adding it. And cardio will certainly help out more than you'd think