Plasma Blast Review


well i have been taking plasma blast by human evo for a few weeks now and i really seem to like it,

it has pretty much everything i want out of a pre/intra workout drink, 20g carbs, bcaa's etc.

since i am literally taking nothing other than that and some protein these days i can say that i actually feel like it causes better pumps especially compared to when i was training without any supplements.

i will say it doesnt mix super super easy so you should mix it in a shaker or water bottle though.
yeah I like it as well! Tastes pretty good and the mixing didnt bother me none to much
Any chance a former mod could get a discount to stock up on some new products and try then out??
Any chance a former mod could get a discount to stock up on some new products and try then out??

of course as long as that former mod wrote a review here on all the products they were using. pm me whatya want and ill send ya the prices at our cost plus shipping.
we sent out a bunch of free stuff, but i cant remember who all got what lol, but everything i have used from them has been high quality