Is anyone using a training program?

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Now that I'm back to my regular gym and have gotten a month under my belt, I'm thinking of finding a training program to do. It's been years since I've done anything, but I was thinking of GVT or FST-7
I use the "just fucking lift" program lol, its a little barbaric and old school, but what i do is i walk in the gym, and i will get under a bar with heavy weight on it and i will push it up and down repeatedly, then i will walk over to another bar, i will put heavy weight on it and i will lift it up and down.

Im not into all that F A G shit i see guys doing now days! not saying thats what your fst and gvt is, but i can see some guys now days doing F A G shit lmao
DC is pretty hardcore, and I've moved back to doing that with some modifications to add some volume in there, and I think I've found the perfect mix for me. I'm only limited right now by my calorie/protein intake. I was probably down close to 192-193 a couple of months ago, and I've already made it back to 200, and I'm leaner than ever.
the way i train back, chest, quads and traps is a take on dorian yates style i do 1 warmup up set, 2 medium sets, 1 heavy set and 1 really heavy drop set . the way i train bis, tris, delta, hams, and calves is more of a high volume style 3-4 sets per exercise 15, 12, 10, 8.
I have do PLing programming for big lifts and just go crazy on everything else. But my programming is very relaxed and usually I only have one set a lift (dl, squat, bp, press ect) where I have a specific number in mind.
I believe training programs are good for getting started. After a while you have to figure out what works best for you and customize your own training program. You have to surprise your muscles and not have them on a plan. I try to tweak my workouts every time I workout. For example, like doing flys before a bench press. Close stance squats vs. wide stance. Etc. It makes working out much more enjoyable when your not on a planned routine. I have been through many training routines so I can attest to this. Train hard, eat big, sleep well and grow. :)
They are all shit. In the end they all have the same goal but attain it differently. THe best way that works for me is to exaustion. FST, Mountaindog, Y3T, Y2K or whatever is out there is shit. As long as my food is in order I grow like a fucking weed, on or off gear.
They are all shit. In the end they all have the same goal but attain it differently. THe best way that works for me is to exaustion. FST, Mountaindog, Y3T, Y2K or whatever is out there is shit. As long as my food is in order I grow like a fucking weed, on or off gear.

Buffalo I'm the same way bub! I tend to put size on pretty quick......especially when it come to chest and back. No leaning out is a longer process. I really don't get away from the old school methods of lifting. I tend to do most the traditional lifts and workout going to moderate heavy to heavy as shit, staying in the low rep (6-10) range although lately I've been on this superset kick.
They are all shit. In the end they all have the same goal but attain it differently. THe best way that works for me is to exaustion. FST, Mountaindog, Y3T, Y2K or whatever is out there is shit. As long as my food is in order I grow like a fucking weed, on or off gear.
I am the exact same way and I literally think that food is much more important than gear. I could start a thread on this very subject, but high calories and the right amount of junk food is the most important thing for a lean, huge and strong physique.
I am the exact same way and I literally think that food is much more important than gear. I could start a thread on this very subject, but high calories and the right amount of junk food is the most important thing for a lean, huge and strong physique.

I agree, so many new workouts out there but so little on what the top pros actually really eat. They'll share all damn day what workouts they do, post video's and logs but very few put up how, what, when and why they eat. You'll see a meal here and there but guys pay for diets and protocol not exercises
I agree, so many new workouts out there but so little on what the top pros actually really eat. They'll share all damn day what workouts they do, post video's and logs but very few put up how, what, when and why they eat. You'll see a meal here and there but guys pay for diets and protocol not exercises
Yeah if I had one piece of advise that I could give to myself when I started out years ago it would have been find a way to set up your macros so that you can stay moderately lean but with high calories.
Someone asked me a few months ago how much it costs to run a cycle of gear. I asked him how much he wanted to gain in size and told him it would cost 4 times that in food so add it in... LMAO!!!!
I never follow the exact training programs that you see, but I do like looking at them and taking something from program a, something from program b and then throw in my own shit and go from there. I've tried a version of Y3T and liked it, but I didn't stick with it too long. Like most people I like to keep everything guessing and from week to week I change exercises for each body part (flat barbell press, incline dumbbell press one week, the next is flat dumbbell press, incline barbell press)