What is post-cycle therapy?


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What is post-cycle therapy?

Natural production of testosterone is controlled by the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular Axis (HPTA). When the body senses the need for testosterone, the HPTA releases GnRH (Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone), which signals the release of LH (Luteinizing Hormone), which in turn signals the production of testosterone. The increased testosterone then signals back to the HPTA that testosterone needs are met. This provides a negative feedback system that keeps natural testosterone levels within a certain range. However, when an exogenoussteroid /prohormone is administered, it will also signal the HPTA that testosterone needs are met. The HPTA then stops signalling the production of testosterone, and this is what leads to the shutdown of natural production of testosterone during a steroid cycle. This is the reason that testicular shrinkage is experienced by many who use steroids /prohormones, especially for longer cycles.

After a cycle, natural testosterone production will slowly return to normal. However, depending on the severity of the shutdown, this process can take months. During this time, anabolic hormone levels will be minimized, and the gains made during the cycle may be lost. The goal of post-cycle recovery (PCT) is to restore both testosterone levels and natural production of testosterone as quickly as possible, among other ancillary goals. Agents commonly used for PCT include HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin ), SERMs (selective estrogen receptor modulators) such as clomiphene (clomid) and tamoxifen (nolvadex ), and aromatase inhibitors. In most cases, these are prescription drugs.

When is PCT necessary?

PCT is necessary after any steroid/prohormone cycle, no matter what the substance. Short cycles (1-2 weeks) may be an exception, although some amount of PCT is still wise in these cases. The length of PCT will generally depend on how long the cycle was. For a 4 week cycle, PCT will usually last 2-3 weeks, while for a 12 week cycle it may last as long as 6 weeks. For longer cycles, use of HCG if possible is highly recommended.