
New member
Been on cycle for 8 months test e 1000 -500 2x weekly ,tren 400 mg. EOD, first four months DECA 400 mgs 2 x weekly androl first 30 days and Winny last month 50 mg eod. I know I was a fycking idiot running this long but just couldn't stop I really some advice on a pct .. I have nolbadex clomid and hcg .. What would be proper procotol to help having some issues and need to get off ..
Here's what I would do:

HCG 3x a week at 1500iu. Start two weeks prior to cycle ending to avoid taking with nolva and clomid.
Weeks 1-6
40/40/40/20/20/20 a day

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If Ive had no gyno problems at all I should be all set right it doesn't come on after u stop correct .. Been reading and can't find that answer