Creatine can become toxic?


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So when i was in the hospital about 3wks ago when they were checking out my heart and liver . My kidneys werent even working all the way and they were dehydrated from creatine.
No personal experience with kidneys being damaged from creatine but I found this article:

Will G Hopkins PhD, Physiology and Physical Education, University of Otago, Dunedin 9001, New Zealand. Email: Sportscience 4(

Creatine supplementation for a week or so probably enhances performance of repeated sprints by a few percent in some sports, and continued supplementation combined with training appears to have a more substantial anabolic effect on strength. Creatine supplements work by increasing the amount of creatine in muscle, where it helps you perform short, high-intensity activities. You have to take a lot of creatine to get any extra into muscle, and most of what you take ends up in your urine. That's why there's some concern that creatine supplementation could damage kidneys. To get rid of the extra creatine, you have to make more urine--about 25% more each day, according to a recent study of long-term users by Poortmans and Francaux (1999). Does that produce some sort of strain on the kidneys that might eventually lead to kidney disease?
Poortmans and Francaux couldn't find any indication of failing kidneys in nine athletes who had been taking creatine for up to five years, but is nine subjects enough to declare creatine kidney-friendly? Kuehl and coworkers didn't think so, in a letter to the editor in the January issue of Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. They had other criticisms that didn't stand up to close scrutiny, but in his reply Jacque Poortmans acknowledged that "larger studies should be implemented". Richard Kreider and his coworkers are doing their best to remedy that problem: there is no evidence of serious side effects in their many recent studies, or in the abstracts of several studies to be presented at this year's annual meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine.
But... the letters to the editor of Med Sci Sports referred to two case studies of inflamed kidneys apparently resulting from creatine supplementation. In one case an existing kidney condition flared up when the athlete started taking creatine; in the other case the athlete developed serious inflammation of the kidneys. Are these cases the tip of an iceberg? Probably not: it's likely that only one athlete in many thousand will suffer from kidney problems when taking creatine supplements. The risk is very low, but it is certainly not zero. And the risk is almost certainly much higher for someone who already has a kidney condition.

***************Or this article:***********

For those with healthy kidneys: No. For those with impaired kidney function, it is highly unlikely but one should still check with their medical doctor.Please see our Creatine rubric for human clinical studies on the kidney. The net result was that even with one kidney, creatine had no negative effect on the kidneys. This is a topic that has been replicated numerous times in different populations by different researchers, and yet not a single peer-reviewed study or case report has surfaced where creatine is the causative factor behind kidney damage.
In one study, an individual with one kidney that was slightly damaged was loaded with 20g of Creatine a day and no problems were found.[1]
There is some confusion regarding the kidneys with the metabolite (waste product) of creatine, called 'creatinine', which is also a diagnostic criteria for kidney problems. This is a case of a supplement giving a 'false positive' and is in no way harmful, and can be read up more on our creatine disambiguation section.
I have heard rumours in the past about Creatine having adverse affects on the kidneys. I thought that theory had been debunked, however. Guess not. Get well soon bro.
So when i was in the hospital about 3wks ago when they were checking out my heart and liver . My kidneys werent even working all the way and they were dehydrated from creatine.

Damn crazy, no kidney problems before? Plenty of water? How much creatine?
Thx for the post. Get better soon.
yeah I've heard this many times, and i think you really need to down some serious water when on creatine
15 to 20 grams . But i know i wasnt
drinking enough water. Should of been a gallon and i might been drinking barely 1/2 of one.
Dang man hope you get better soon. I know I don't always drink enough water but I only do 10 grams a day also and I hover between 250 and 275 pounds.