Typical Down Playing of TRT by the Govt/Big Pharma


So the link for am sharing is titled ( Testosterone Gel is No Fountain of Youth)

Yet has tidbits of information that test subjects had T levels in 65yo subjects were restored to men in 18-40 is not a ( Fountain of Youth )

Look at below:
On average, the testosterone increased men's hormone levels to what would be normal for someone 19 to 40 years old.

About 20 percent of testosterone men reported much improved sexual desire, and 30 percent reported a slight improvement, but almost half reported no change. Less than one-third of the fake-gel men reported any improvement in sexual desire.

SO. 50% OF THE MEN HAD INCREASED SEXUAL POTENCIES? this is considered a "FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH"? STFU Govt paid hacks your drunk .SMH

Remember Govt and Big Pharma wants us sick/dying
any one who believes anything that comes from the US gov. needs to chat with me cuz I got these great
ocean front properties in Arizona that i'm willing to unload dirt cheap!

I'm surprised that these eggheads can get out of bed in the morning let alone attempt to do a study on
a subject they can't even spell! (TRT)
Good post! Let the sheep follow. After all testosterone has no performance enhancing effects

Unless your playing sports, then it gives too much of an athletic performance enhancement , lol, but if your Joe Shmo it doesnt do anything for you but kill and harm your health,lol,

If all men with low T regardless of age and ALL men between 40-80 had bimonthly Test of 200mg Big Pharma would go Bankrupt. Anxiety and antidepressants meds would be cut half. Blood thinner drugs and Viagra etc GONE. IT is a fucking scam and a special place in hell awaits for Big Pharma Executive Filth and those in the Govt that swore an oath to protect its citizens. #fuckingtrash