How long till it ends?


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The more anabolic hormones your body produces, the longer you live
Your life expectancy grows, the more anabolic – and fewer catabolic – hormones your body produces. Researchers at Harvard Medical School reached this conclusion after performing a molecular-epidemiological study on 925 men and women over the age of 54.

The researchers used data that had been gathered in the Taiwanese Social Environment and Biomarkers of Aging Study. For that project scientists measured the concentration of the hormones IGF-1, DHEA and cortisol and the inflammatory protein interleukine-6 in the blood of 925 Taiwanese people. They also measured the length of the telomeres in DNA of the subjects' white blood cells.

The shorter the telomeres, the shorter the amount of time you probably have left to live.

The less IGF-1 and DHEA they had in their body, the shorter the participants' telomeres were. IGF-1 and DHEA are anabolic hormones. The relationships were not statistically significant, though.

The more cortisol they had in their body, the shorter the participants' telomeres were. Cortisol is released in large quantities under conditions of physical and psychological stress, and has a catabolic effect. But this relationship was not statistically significant either.

The researchers then looked at the relationship between the anabolic hormones [IGF-1 and DHEA] and the catabolic cortisol [A/C imbalance summary]. The relationship between this ratio and the length of the telomeres was statistically significant.

The more anabolic hormones your body produces, the longer you live

Another relationship that proved to be statistically significant was the one between interleukine-6 [IL-6] – an inflammatory protein that is released in large quantities when you overtrain or are subject to psychological stress – and telomere length. The more IL-6 the subjects synthesised, the shorter their telomeres were. By the way, it was already known that increased synthesis of inflammatory proteins such as IL-6 and TNF-alpha decreases telomere length. [PLoS One. 2011;6(5):e19687.]

The more anabolic hormones your body produces, the longer you live
"In summary, in this population-based study of older Taiwanese adults, we found that high IL-6 levels were associated with short telomere length, and a higher A/C imbalance summary measure was associated with greater odds of having a short telomere length", the researchers write. "Efforts to address anabolic and catabolic biochemical levels in clinical settings may contribute to our ability to detect the adverse health conditions associated with telomere length and potentially identify mechanisms to diminish and treat the consequences linked to these conditions."

The researchers are concerned with people suffering from depression, but their results may also be of interest to athletes. Might athletes who over-train on a long-term basis be shortening their lives? And mightn't interventions that reduce the synthesis of cortisol or boost the synthesis of anabolic hormones help extend athletes' life expectancy?
Telomeres! it always comes down to that! If your not familiar with Telomeres, you should start to read up on them! We also have a bunch of great studies on IGF-1 Lr3 and Telomeres lengthening or at the minimum preventing them from getting shorter or fraying at the ends like shoe laces is how i have come to understand it,

good stuff, your titles however need some work jagger lol, Maybe Title threads so we know what the read it about with maybe some keywords from the content
If they can increase the life span to 125, we will have to do alot of physical training to keep the body strong for that long. Along with new advances in nutrition. Also there is the problem with cell division. Each time it divides it dosen't make a perfect copy. It is not noticeable for a few decades, but after 50 years it becomes more noticable and you begin to see the aging process. By the time you are in your 80's the cells are not making copies anywhere near what the cell was like when you where in your 20's. This is a difficult problem to overcome. It is like making a copy of a copy of a copy. It degrades over time.
Telomeres! it always comes down to that! If your not familiar with Telomeres, you should start to read up on them! We also have a bunch of great studies on IGF-1 Lr3 and Telomeres lengthening or at the minimum preventing them from getting shorter or fraying at the ends like shoe laces is how i have come to understand it,

good stuff, your titles however need some work jagger lol, Maybe Title threads so we know what the read it about with maybe some keywords from the content

Presser.. man, I'm sorry lol. In the future I will work on keywords in my title.

And I will also link the article so the images been be viewed.