Stanazol and Pain

Mick XXX

New member
Started to add stanazol to my course and dropped down the weight boosted up reps and pace still having trouble getting rid of gut fat, i have sufferd from tennis elbow in the past only now booth arms are getting sore for no reason, and im not pushing heavy is this a common prob on Stan ,never had this prob on Anavar and looked like granite ,cracks everywhere and i was still pushing heavy.
Is there something i can take to relieve the soreness or is it tuffen up bitch and get on with it. current course is as follows
Sus250 -250mg a week
Tren A -300mg a week
Stanazol 50mg EOD
HCH 250 ius twice a week

Not a big course ,in my 50s just need boost up.
Lol! Tennis elbow. Hurts like a bitch. I get it alot in both arms but mostly during a cut. Haven't taken winni in 10 years. Are u taking an ai? And when was last time u donated blood? When my rbc get high I get tendon pain and cramping like. But when I have true tendon elbow I turn door knob for the test if it hurts tendon needs rest inflammation from years.
If it's just cramping in certain movements and getting tight it may be from winny.
I didn't mention it but I am sure u know winny often causes aches and joint pain especially if losing water.. either more test or a little deca help increase water in joints. I notice u taking tren a too. I often feel better on more test in all ways and tren alone is hard for me to handle. Upping reps could cause the pain as well I get like a pump in tendons sometimes that hurt.
Cheers ,I read so many posts saying people get better results from running a higher ratio of Tren to Test so i use like HRT dose also whats an ai and rbc im not up with the acronyms and whats the deal with donating blood are talking about getting blood work done if so im fine..
Cheers ,I read so many posts saying people get better results from running a higher ratio of Tren to Test so i use like HRT dose also whats an ai and rbc im not up with the acronyms and whats the deal with donating blood are talking about getting blood work done if so im fine..
High red blood cells. Anti-estrogen

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Cheers ,I read so many posts saying people get better results from running a higher ratio of Tren to Test so i use like HRT dose also whats an ai and rbc im not up with the acronyms and whats the deal with donating blood are talking about getting blood work done if so im fine..
So rbc is red blood count donating blood helps this. It's a side effect of gear can cause heart attack or stroke joint pain is a side effect.
Also anti estro and low estro can cause joint pain

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I cannot take Winnie due to the joint pain. Just not worth it to me. You might try some anavar.
If you have tendonitis, the answer is definitely NOT "man up and push through bitch", as you said. This will eventually lead to chronic inflammation amd possibly tendonosis, whichbis when the tendon begins to separate from the attachment point (not a tear).

My experience (which includes everything I just described above) is contrary to what almost everyone says about how to cure tendonitis. Most people say nothing but reat will cure it. In my experience, rest will usually make it feel a little bit better, but it always comes right back. The answer for me was to strengthen the muscles around the tendon that's inflamed. The inflammation occurs because the tendon is overloaded; this happens because it's doing too much work. I had golfer's elbow, same thing as tennis elbow but on the "other side" of the joint. I did wrist curls, starting with a weight that was low enough that I could feel it, but not enough to cause pain. For me, this was 5 lbs in each hand. I did 20 reps a day, every day until 5 lbs couldn't be felt. Moved up to 8 lbs and repeat. Move up to 10 lbs, repeat. Continue on like this in 1 lb incrememts - yes, I said 1 lb - tape a roll of pennies to your dumbbell, it weoght 1 lb. Or, buy a pair of magnetic "plate mates", they're 1-1/4 lbs each. When Ibgot all the way up to 30 lbs, 20 reps every day - no reat days, 20 reps evwry day - my tendonitis was cured and hasn't come back.
I thought you were suppose to feel like that on winny lol. Always with deca for me but have just learned that I really like npp so looking forward to throwing them together.

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As EMW said u gotta use other areas. I get it bad being a mechanic turning wrist all the time I get tennis elbow hurts from connection at bicep down about 5". I wrap it to support it avoid flipping wrist on Dumbell curls leave easy curl bar alone. Only straight curl movement. No dumbBell presses at all when I get it. Flipping dumbells strain it more.
Dr gave me PT papers u van get them online. It requires stretching in ways explained with photos.
Ice or cold pack at least I'm afternoons. The wrap supports and encourages other moments.
I also use dr Scholls massager u got to rub tendons in proper direction. Relieving inflammation is important to start the healing.
I had it in both arms for almost a year finally healed good last time
Used rad 140 sarm and osta sarm with SuperCissas
Also did a good round of deca at 300 per week. I avoid cause of bloat but it helped.
I get high red blood and before I had my order to do phlebotomy's it was much worse. Thick blood can't do job and can leave deposits in tendon tears.
Tendonitis is tears on tendons that become re-injured before they can heal and several together get tendons inflamed. Very important to see about correctly. Being a mechanic is tough on mine
I'm sure a few others have read this too but apparently while Winstrol increases pro-collagen synthesis it reduces cross linking integrity. Basically it means you build tendon quicker because of the Winstrol but at the same those tendons become more brittle and even more prone to injury. So I can see how when you have tendonitis if your using Winstrol it could be pretty hard to heal. Tren doesn't help with the tendon either. The only times I seem to have tendon problems were while using trenbolone. Testosterone weakens tendons as well but apparently if you're not supplementing with supraphysiological doses of it then it won't have that effect.

As a very low level wanna be powerlifter I find myself having tendonitis a lot. 90 percent of the time it's in my right elbow but I think I get it in my right shoulder too. I think EMW summed it up the best. That sounds like a good tip to employ. possibly strengthening the tendons around the problem area. I'll have to try that little dumbbell trick myself.
Cheers for everyone for your imput, strangely enough i know longer have any pain.
i guessing this has something to do with upping the does of Sus 250 ? i really dont know.
i read several times BB were getting a better result from running a higher dose of Tren to Test , i went back to a HRT dose of 250mg Sus 300mg of Tren A a week when i started the Winny, my gains came to a 'halt 'and the joint pain was bad ,i have since increase to 500mg of test a week the pain has dissipated and gains kicked back in ( different courses for different horses i guess) other then feeling like a pin cushion from so many shots Sus and Tren 3 times a week and 50mg of Winny everyday,,just cant get those pain free delt shots happening goes in easy but the next day oooha sore to touch but gone in 48hrs , cant get a dart in my legs anymore no matter how relaxed i am everyday cardio and the leg routine have turned them into wood thats what feel like to drop one in lol.
I always had to relax delt completely. I can see that little elongated island on my delt. That is spot I hit. Has to be completely soft to touch for water based or else sore. I also with that injection got to jab. Another spot for water is meaty area below delt top of triceps
I wouldnt inject water based steroids anywhere but my ass! And even then its hard for all that meaty area to fight off a bad infection. I say this because water base steroids being so prone to bacteria growth. It landed me in the emergency room and stay for 6 nights 7 days lmao! Havent touched water based since then!

Point im making is that you want to inject into an area that has a better blood flow , bigger area to fight off infection.