My pictures

216 lbs
15 years training
2 years on aas

My goals are to reach 240 at 8% bf without being a fat ass anywhere along the way.
very thick, nice back dev and its great to see you pay attention to working quads- they are the conerstone of any physique.
Keep up the great work!!
I haven't seen any new ones from you lately either girl. I look close to the same now as in the pictures. I still weigh 216 lbs, slightly leaner and more muscle, but, I have no tan and have not shaved in a while. So no new pictures right now.
She's good. We are going to try and get pregnant soon, so I am off of the juice indefinitely. It takes a while for the little swimmers to come back after being on for a while.
EatingMachine said:
Chuck, I have 1/2 my gym trying to get me to compete. No offense to the competitors here, I just don't find it appealing.

I think everyone should do it once in their lives. And you are right- its not appealing it downright sucks sometimes... but the ends justify the means!!