MC IGF 1 lr3 , I can't even begin to express how amazing this product is.


New member
I can't even begin to express how amazing this product is. I have posted several things about its benefits. At this point it is verry clear to me that; if you have a product that has seemingly endless benefits with little to no sides.... It's kind of a no-brainer.

I joined the board at the beginning of may. I suffered an elbow injury and was recommended MC IGF-1 by Iron-game. I made my 1st order shortly after, and have been on MC IGF since. I take it almost every day, if I'm working out or just sitting ass. It has become part of my daily routine.
An older review excerpt I pulled and bumped up to the top of our peptide forum here for everyone to read, as when it comes to reviews, they sometimes get buried in the bullshit lol. And we all know that 99% of customers never write reviews.

Generally people never take the time out to write a review unless its a bad review and theyre pissed off about somehting lmao.

With that said, we have a boatload of customer product reviews and 99% of them are all positive, and 1% of them are negative. Its the nature of the beast I guess.

Visit Us @ and hopefully we can put you in that 99% category!
Just pulled a sealed bottle I had stocked up out of the fridge after a year. Still potent! Something amazing really. Good stuff.
IGF-1 LR-3. This is the real stuff. I had wasted so much money on all the scam products. i wish i had heard about MC store earlier and especially IGF-1 LR-3. For me, this helped me break the plateau I was stuck on. my strength significantly improved. i still feel i need to bulk up more, but a lot of people around me keep commenting that i look very muscular. this is, in the past one month I have been taking IGF-1 LR-3. I think it is because my triceps are showing better now.
I am waiting for my annual physical to check my cholestrol level. Read at the MC forums that IGF-1 LR-3 does wonders on this front as well.
Plan to continue this for a while.
Just pulled a sealed bottle I had stocked up out of the fridge after a year. Still potent! Something amazing really. Good stuff.

I can honestly say, I have never used old igf from being stored away. Im the kind of guy who takes something until its gone! lol Unfortunately im the same way with money lmao, Here today gone tomorrow!
Floating some customer reviews for new members to read before our Annual Anniversary Sale Kicks Off Tonight to Celebrate 19 Years Online!
If you havent used our igf-1 lr3 nows the time!!!

Sales and SPECIALS on all size orders at MuscleChemistry, Advanced Supplements