
Whether to train with or without music during bodybuilding workouts largely depends on personal preference. There are benefits and drawbacks to both.

**With Music:**

1. **Mood Enhancement**: Music can elevate your mood, motivation, and overall enjoyment during workouts. It can help you stay focused and energized, especially during intense or long training sessions.

2. **Rhythm and Pace**: Certain music with a particular beat or tempo might sync well with your exercise rhythm, aiding in maintaining a steady pace or intensity during workouts.

3. **Distraction from Discomfort**: For some, music serves as a distraction from physical discomfort or fatigue, allowing them to push through tougher sets or exercises.

**Without Music:**

1. **Focus on Form and Mind-Muscle Connection**: Without music, you might find it easier to concentrate on your form, breathing, and the mind-muscle connection, ensuring proper technique and engagement of targeted muscles.

2. **Awareness of Surroundings**: Working out without music allows you to be more aware of your surroundings, which might be necessary for safety reasons, especially in a gym setting.

3. **Mental Clarity**: Some people find that silence or minimal distractions help them focus better on their workout goals and mental clarity.

Ultimately, the choice between training with or without music depends on what helps you perform better during your workouts. Experimentation might be beneficial; try both methods and see how each impacts your focus, motivation, and overall workout experience. Some individuals might even alternate between using music and not using it based on the type of exercise or their mood that day.