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What Is Proviron – Benefits, Dosage and Side Effects of Mesterolone

Proviron, also known as Mesterolone, is an orally active compound that has been prescribed to men struggling with hypogonadism – a condition in which they are unable to produce as much testosterone as they should be.

Many bodybuilders and athletes have become curious about Mesterolone. Just like any compound that allegedly impacts testosterone, workout enthusiasts are wondering whether or not this will be the golden key that unlocks infinite gains without any side effects.

Well, let’s just say for starters that the golden key doesn’t exist. Nothing will be a substitute for hard work and dedication. However, in this article, we’re going to discuss whether or not mesterolone can be useful for people hoping to boost their T levels.

*What is Proviron

Mesterolone, known also by the brand name Proviron, is a compound that’s very similar to Masteron – as you might be able to tell from their similar names. Mesterolone is an orally active compound that’s similar to dihydrotestosterone. Specifically, it’s a 1-methylated dihydrotestosterone molecule.

One of the main changes that methylating DHT in this particular place does is allows Proviron to be consumed orally. This is much different than a lot of other steroids which need to be injected for any effect to be felt.

Many people prefer to use DHT over testosterone because DHT is more androgenic. It’s actually believed to be more than 3 times as potent as testosterone, and it also can’t be turned into estrogen through the process of aromatization.

Does this mean that mesterolone is perfect? Not really. When the body detects that there is too much DHT flowing through the body, it activates a certain process that releases an enzyme which converts DHT into an inactive substance.

The substance that it’s converted into is a prohormone that can be converted back into DHT, however, it will not do this until there is a more stable balance of the hormone.

This doesn’t mean that it’s entirely useless. However, this does mean that the majority of benefits attributed to mesterolone will be short-lived, if they are even experienced at all.

**Health benefits of using Proviron**

So now that you know that mesterolone might not actually work that well, you’ll probably want to learn about some of the benefits that have been attributed to it. Even though the science doesn’t always back up the benefits, some people have experienced improvement when using it.

**The most important thing to recognize here is that these benefits will be more apparent for people who struggle with hypogonadism. If you have hypogonadism, then your body won’t be producing a healthy amount of testosterone.

If this is the case, then you will likely experience some impressive benefits from using something like this. Bodybuilders and athletes, however, may not experience much of an improvement.


One of the first and foremost things that Proviron is used for is helping to enhance testosterone levels. It is generally regarded as a weak steroid, but it has a number of interesting applications that can make it useful.

One of the ways that it can increase testosterone is by binding to sex hormone binding globulin, or SHBG. This substance floats around in the bloodstream and picks up excess hormones, such as testosterone. By binding to SHBG, mesterolone is able to help increase the amount of testosterone available in the body


If you are struggling with hypogonadism, then you will likely experience an increase in testosterone as a result of using mesterolone. This means that you’ll also likely experience an increase in muscle density.

This is because muscle growth is anabolic muscle. By increasing the amount of testosterone available in the body and reducing the impact of SHBG, you will be able to put on more muscle.

Furthermore, mesterolone can help to prevent the receptivity of estrogen receptors, preventing this hormone from binding to the muscle tissues in the body.

Furthermore, mesterolone inhibits aromatase, an enzyme that causes testosterone to convert into estrogen. By preventing this, it can help ensure that there is even more free testosterone floating around.


Another interesting benefit associated with mesterolone is the way that it can help to treat impotence or erectile dysfunction. Men who have a hard time maintaining an erection may find that they experience an increased ability to do so by increasing T levels.


Low testosterone is linked to infertility. By correcting the balance of testosterone in the body, men may be able to help increase their chances of having a child. Androgens have been used for many years to help treat problems with infertility.

*Mesterolone benefits for bodybuilding

Proviron side effects

On its own, Proviron doesn’t always cause a lot of side effects. However, if used in conjunction with other androgens it could cause a lot of issues. These range from loss of libido to erectile dysfunction, infertility and lethargy.

It’s also more dangerous to use as a woman because it reduces the amount of available estrogen. This could lead to virilization.

Other risks and precautions

Since Proviron helps prevent aromatization, there’s not much point in using it with other anti-estrogenic compounds.

If you are prone to high blood pressure, mesterolone may aggravate the condition. Talk to your doctor about this.
Proviron, like anything, can cause allergic reactions. This can lead to symptoms like shortness of breath, wheezing, swelling in the face, or rashes.

If you have or have had prostate cancer, liver tumors, breast cancer, or high calcium levels, then you should avoid taking Proviron.

In Conclusion

Proviron is not a very strong steroid, but it should be treated with caution. Like any drug, it’s important to learn the pros and cons before you begin using it so you can assess whether or not it’s safe.

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