What's the fastest way to shut down HTPA axis for sure!?!


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We all know that exogenous testosterone will shut our natty production down. And this is usually unwanted side. Unless......

......you wanted to shut it down to zero or close for a blood test ;)

What compounds would you use, what dose, and duration?

The first thing popped in my head was test suspension and oral tren since they both are strongly anabolic, fast acting with shortest half life.

What you guys think?

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We all know that exogenous testosterone will shut our natty production down. And this is usually unwanted side. Unless......

......you wanted to shut it down to zero or close for a blood test ;)

What compounds would you use, what dose, and duration?

The first thing popped in my head was test suspension and oral tren since they both are strongly anabolic, fast acting with shortest half life.

What you guys think?

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if i were to say try getting a script for testosterone , i would hypothetically take a fast acting testosterone to shut down my natty testosterone for a while, and then a couple weeks after my last shot go get my blood work done.
i agree i would try some fast acting test (prop or test base) for like 2-3 weeks then bam stop that and go in like 1.5 weeks later and get tested
We all know that exogenous testosterone will shut our natty production down. And this is usually unwanted side. Unless......

......you wanted to shut it down to zero or close for a blood test ;)

What compounds would you use, what dose, and duration?

The first thing popped in my head was test suspension and oral tren since they both are strongly anabolic, fast acting with shortest half life.

What you guys think?

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Wouldn't this defeat the purpose? If you are trying to get a script for test, your test levels would have to be low or hypogonadal..by shooting up test you are sending these levels UP, not down..I don't know of any clinic that ONLY tests for LH/FSH/Gonadotropins..so yes, test will lower those levels (LH/FSH) - but not testosterone....which I'm pretty sure that's what they are checking for..unless they have a history and some distorted policy or a time table in whence you can slip in a gonadotropin test as the "inordinate" coincidence, so to speak.

Of course, we don't want to crash test levels to the floor based on the side-effects of feeling shitty that day...but isn't that the concept here..we are just trying to play dummy for a day or two ? You know the helpless man who's bones are made out of broken clay.. ;) :D

Now on the other hand I can see using a small enough dose to raise levels slightly and yet shut them down, but you would have to be very precise and this is going to depend on one's own sensitivity to HPTA shutdown....effects also might have to be cumulative for some people!
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It is a timing thing. I agree it will only bottom out for a period. It will bottom out everything except for estrogen from my own personal experience, but my Test is bottomed out anyway so I may not be the best person to compare that to....
Alcohol shuts it down a day after drinking your test level will be nill, continuous drinking will shut it down almost completely.
Wouldn't this defeat the purpose? If you are trying to get a script for test, your test levels would have to be low or hypogonadal..by shooting up test you are sending these levels UP, not down..I don't know of any clinic that ONLY tests for LH/FSH/Gonadotropins..so yes, test will lower those levels (LH/FSH) - but not testosterone....which I'm pretty sure that's what they are checking for..unless they have a history and some distorted policy or a time table in whence you can slip in a gonadotropin test as the "inordinate" coincidence, so to speak.

Of course, we don't want to crash test levels to the floor based on the side-effects of feeling shitty that day...but isn't that the concept here..we are just trying to play dummy for a day or two ? You know the helpless man who's bones are made out of broken clay.. ;) :D

Now on the other hand I can see using a small enough dose to raise levels slightly and yet shut them down, but you would have to be very precise and this is going to depend on one's own sensitivity to HPTA shutdown....effects also might have to be cumulative for some people!

Thanks for your input Area, but I'm not sure if we are on the same page bud.

I'm theorizing on using high doses vs low dose to be certain that it will shut endogenous production. Sooner rather than later.

Secondly, using a shorter ester such as propionate or no ester such as suspension will provide most assurance of clearing the system out in "x" days which can be calculated based on their half life.

From there I would assume we can safely say endogenous production would be zilch for a couple of days. Now the blood test date can be scheduled in this period and taking mkdk's advice party up a night or two consecutively before the D-day and the likelihood of results coming out favorably should be quite high. :)

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Thanks for your input Area, but I'm not sure if we are on the same page bud.

I'm theorizing on using high doses vs low dose to be certain that it will shut endogenous production. Sooner rather than later.

Secondly, using a shorter ester such as propionate or no ester such as suspension will provide most assurance of clearing the system out in "x" days which can be calculated based on their half life.

From there I would assume we can safely say endogenous production would be zilch for a couple of days. Now the blood test date can be scheduled in this period and taking mkdk's advice party up a night or two consecutively before the D-day and the likelihood of results coming out favorably should be quite high. :)

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I say again,.... Yes sir
Tren ace will shut itdown hard core. Bro ive been playin tje dr game for a while. I use test prop mostly now. Easier to time. A week on 100/d and then stop for 2 days. 3rd day you'll be very low.
Nandralone will shut you down harder than anything. Has been used in studies as a male contraceptive.
Right, this would be a little uncomfortable, but deca or something to that effect, imHo - would be the most precise and would lower all the gonadotropins as well as androgens..making it more fit for blood work and obtaining the reward.

- - - Updated - - -

Thanks for your input Area, but I'm not sure if we are on the same page bud.

I'm theorizing on using high doses vs low dose to be certain that it will shut endogenous production. Sooner rather than later.

Secondly, using a shorter ester such as propionate or no ester such as suspension will provide most assurance of clearing the system out in "x" days which can be calculated based on their half life.

From there I would assume we can safely say endogenous production would be zilch for a couple of days. Now the blood test date can be scheduled in this period and taking mkdk's advice party up a night or two consecutively before the D-day and the likelihood of results coming out favorably should be quite high. :)

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Gotcha, you're talking timing like a sonofabitch then . :D
i want to start by saying I don't advocate this practice, but if i was to choose a compound it would probably be NPP due to the fact that it shuts you down quick being a 19nor, you can even get blood tests done while on it because it wont show up as testosterone. tren ace would work also, but nandrolone is milder in terms of sides.
Thanks guys! This helps a lot!

I guess trifecta of tren ace, NPP and test prop or suspension = success guaranteed!!! :)

Btw, does this also lower the IGF-1 levels or should I run hexarelin to shut that down too lol

Apparently they will be testing for IGF-1 as well.

Not sure if I take IGF in high dose and then stoping would have enough negative effect.

Whaddaya say Press, you're the master of this subject.

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i want to start by saying I don't advocate this practice, but if i was to choose a compound it would probably be NPP due to the fact that it shuts you down quick being a 19nor, you can even get blood tests done while on it because it wont show up as testosterone. tren ace would work also, but nandrolone is milder in terms of sides.

Thanks Joz,

Didn't know that I could stay on NPP. That would be best so I don't loose muscle while I'm off for test.

Btw here is what nurse said would be tested:-

"Thyroid, E2, Dhea, Progesterone, cortisol IGF-1 and Testosterone levels"

I'm sure I can flat line most if this stuff with that trifecta we discussed but not sure about IGF-1.


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Thanks guys! This helps a lot!

I guess trifecta of tren ace, NPP and test prop or suspension = success guaranteed!!! :)

Btw, does this also lower the IGF-1 levels or should I run hexarelin to shut that down too lol

Apparently they will be testing for IGF-1 as well.

Not sure if I take IGF in high dose and then stoping would have enough negative effect.

Whaddaya say Press, you're the master of this subject.

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they can only test your igf levels in terms of free floating igf, which is whats not bound to the receptor, so you can be on the best igf in the world and still test low for igf, or you can test high, it all comes down to when you take it, how much gets bounds and unbound etc.. so theirs no real way to get an accurate reading of ur igf levels with this specific broad blood panel test
they can only test your igf levels in terms of free floating igf, which is whats not bound to the receptor, so you can be on the best igf in the world and still test low for igf, or you can test high, it all comes down to when you take it, how much gets bounds and unbound etc.. so theirs no real way to get an accurate reading of ur igf levels with this specific broad blood panel test

But is there anything that suppresses IGF-1 in blood like drinking the night before, AAS, too much sex lol anything that can drop the levels for one day

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