
  1. drtbear1967

    Tools of the trade!

    by Matt Weik For the most part, bodybuilders are simple human beings. They eat, sleep, and train. However, it’s nice to splurge every once in a while, in order to help keep you on track and enjoy your passion—all while making life just a little bit easier. So, for that reason, I’ve composed a...
  2. drtbear1967

    More than BCAA's.

    by Matt Weik There seems to be some confusion in the sports nutrition industry on whether BCAAs are good as an intra or post-workout supplement. Many people use them intra-workout to help with recovery as well as reduce soreness post-workout. However, researchers are now saying that BCAAs...
  3. drtbear1967

    Workout Nutrition.

    It is a very popular opinion amongst the people that we all want to have very well-toned bodies. Everybody fancies that guy with abs, biceps, fats and muscles at the right places. We all admire ladies with well tucked in stomachs and curvy hips and fats only at the right places. There is a...
  4. drtbear1967

    BCAA Help but With a Catch.

    by Matt Weik We all know that after an intense workout, we all need to feed the muscles and give them proper time to rest and rebuild. With that being said, we all also know way too often the effects of delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) that can usually appear two days after a grueling...
  5. drtbear1967

    Why Athletes Need Supplements.

    The news we all have been accustomed to hearing is that a professional athlete tested positive for a banned substance (PED) and puts the blame on the supplement industry that a product they were taking “must have been tainted and caused a false positive.” We all know the narrative. However, it...
  6. Iron Game

    Leucine’s Role in Recovery

    Leucine’s Role in Recovery Dr. Willoughby gave one of the most insightful presentations in which he explained the role of the amino acid leucine. Dr. Willoughby described leucine’s role in stimulating the synthesis of new muscle protein in the same way a car is turned on when you turn the key...
  7. L

    Cycle Advice

    Hi Fellas, I wanted to get some feedback as to a possible next move in what I have been doing. Appreciate any feedback or advice. I have been on a cycle now that is probably approaching the 17th week at the moment. Here is the breakdown: Weeks 1 - 8 Test Prop - 100mgs/EOD NPP - 100mgs/EOD...
  8. drtbear1967

    Meet IFBB Bikini Pro Cori Baker

    Cori Baker <!--author-info--> <!--post-info-left-top--><!--soc-count-mobi--><!--post-soc-fb--> <!--post-soc-pin--><!--sec-marg-in--> <!--sec-marg-out-->...
  9. P

    Question about Ostarine and PCT

    I'm very new to this and have been natural all of my life. I've only taken the following: Protein Power, Creatine (I adore Creatine and have always responded well to it) Glutamine, BCAAs, and Vitamins. I have already went to the Muscle Chemistry Store and ordered 2 units of Ostarine (8 week...
  10. P

    Question about Ostarine and PCT

    I'm very new to this and have been natural all of my life. I've only taken the following: Protein Power, Creatine (I adore Creatine and have always responded well to it) Glutamine, BCAAs, and Vitamins. I have already went to the Muscle Chemistry Store and ordered 2 units of Ostarine (8 week...
  11. P

    Question on PCT

    I'm very new to this and have been natural all of my life. I've only taken the following: Protein Power, Creatine (I adore Creatine and have always responded well to it) Glutamine, BCAAs, and Vitamins. I have already went to the Muscle Chemistry Store and ordered 2 units of Ostarine (8 week...
  12. P

    Newbie with Anabolics but Veteran in the Strength Game

    Hello guys. I'm new to the group and I'm 36 years old. I've been in the strength game since I was 14 and been hard at it every since. I played football in high school and college and also was in the Army. I've never taken anything other than the following supplements: Protein Power...
  13. P

    Newbie with Anabolics but Veteran in the Strength Game

    Hello guys. I'm new to the group and I'm 36 years old. I've been in the strength game since I was 14 and been hard at it every since. I played football in high school and college and also was in the Army. I've never taken anything other than the following supplements: Protein Power...
  14. Iron Game

    Keep The Gains From Your Steroid Cycle

    Keeping gains- Some tips for coming off a cycle for the moderate user to hold on to the new found muscle - These tips are for the moderate user and not for the high dose or long term AAS user, these basic methods will help maintain a degree of muscularity while in the off period. If all...
  15. drtbear1967

    The Inflammatory Responce in Athletes

    The Inflammatory Response in Athletes by Anthony Roberts Inflammation has become a hot online topic lately, primarily due to a crop of experts who have made the term a part of many trainers and trainees new vocabularies. “Inflammation is...
  16. drtbear1967

    The Insulin Advantage

    The Insulin Advantage How to Bulk and Cut on the Same Day by Clay Hyght, DC Here's what you need to know... If you think bulking and cutting are seasonal, think again. By controlling your insulin you can allow your body to build muscle and burn fat daily. Muscle is...
  17. C


    Exercise Promotes BCAA Catabolism: Effects of BCAA Supplementation on Skeletal Muscle during Exercise1 [*=left]Yoshiharu Shimomura*,2, [*=left]Taro Murakami*, [*=left]Naoya Nakai†, [*=left]Masaru Nagasaki*, and [*=left]Robert A. Harris** American Society for Nutritional Sciences...
  18. C


    Exercise Promotes BCAA Catabolism: Effects of BCAA Supplementation on Skeletal Muscle during Exercise1 [*=left]Yoshiharu Shimomura*,2, [*=left]Taro Murakami*, [*=left]Naoya Nakai†, [*=left]Masaru Nagasaki*, and [*=left]Robert A. Harris** American Society for Nutritional Sciences...
  19. Iron Game


    BCAAs: THE MANY BENEFITS OF BRANCHED CHAIN AMINO ACIDS Dieting down will get you shredded, but it might also shave some size from your biceps. BCAAs can help protect your muscles against the catabolic effects of dieting!In recent years, branched-chain amino acid supplements have come back into...
  20. Iron Game


    BCAAs: THE MANY BENEFITS OF BRANCHED CHAIN AMINO ACIDS Dieting down will get you shredded, but it might also shave some size from your biceps. BCAAs can help protect your muscles against the catabolic effects of dieting!In recent years, branched-chain amino acid supplements have come back into...