
  1. Iron Game


    How Wide Should Your Bench-Press Grip Be? <tbody> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 32 32" title="Facebook" alt="Facebook" class="at-icon at-icon-facebook"><g> </path></g></svg><svg xmlns=""...
  2. Iron Game

    Donating Blood while on Anabolic Steroids - Good or Bad?

    By Bill Roberts Q: “I’ve always been a blood donor. It’s something worth doing for others, but also I understand that men really have very little mechanism for eliminating excess iron from the blood, so it’s probably good for my health as well. I’ve always read that blood shouldn’t be donated...
  3. Iron Game

    Low Volume High Intensity Workout For Mass And Strength

    Scrutiny's Low Volume High Intensity Workout For Mass And Strength An intense workout system focusing on training to failure, offering an alternative to the various high volume muscle building workout routines. <article class="nodeBody" itemscope="" itemtype=""...
  4. Iron Game

    Muscles on the Strip: Las Vegas Gearing Up for Olympia Weekend

    In September, Las Vegas will once again turn into bodybuilding central when Joe Weider's Olympia Fitness & Performance Weekend rolls into town on September 16, 2016. The highlight of the event will, of course, be the 2016 Mr. Olympia contest. Phil Heath, who captured his 5th straight title last...
  5. Presser

    Day Lights Saving Time Fucked Me Up Yesterday

    I usually dont even notice nor feel the effects of springing forward for day light savings time, but yesterday and the day before i was surely out of whack! I do love the extra light in the evening though! I hate when it gets dark in winter around 4:30-5pm, that sucks! I like daylight til...
  6. 3J

    Eat my meat by Dave Tate, great read

    Eat My Meat by Dave Tate Years ago when I read articles I used to read every word. I'd try to devour it all. After years of reading, I discovered most of the article's were just filler and there were usually just a a few good points worth absorbing. While these points were often very good...
  7. Presser

    WTF!!! Another Card Hit with Fraud! Its INSANE

    So as you know i been bitching about my Bank of AMerica ATM card being hit with fraud so often and having to be closed each time, well i just got my new card maybe 10-14 days ago, and it was my 4th BOA debit card this year , So after a couple weeks, guess what, got hit with another fruadluant...
  8. MMX2

    Merry Christmas to all at MC!

    Merry Christmas to all at MC! I have been here since the dawn of time and I appreciate the support the contribution of all our members. We have a great staff as well that is experienced and offers great insight to our members. And P still tolerates me after all these years- how lucky can a...
  9. T

    Possible to liquify veggies?

    I usually eat 4-5 times a day, which takes precious time. My question is can you use a blender to chew up and liquify my veggies (which is my weakness). I really dont want to spend big $ on a Vitamix, only have a Osterizer that has to be close to 35 yrs old. I would rather gut down 30 seconds to...
  10. PUMPED

    Welcome Greeneydevil73

    I wanted to welcome a close friend of mine to MC.
  11. 9

    Stefan Struve accidentally spinning back kicks trainer in face

    <iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe> this is funny to me, i've almost blasted a boxing coach in the face before several times, never hit him, but came damn close. it's always one of those moments where i...
  12. Presser

    2015 IFBB EUROPA ATLANTIC CITY PRO Updates and Pictures Posted in NPC & IFBB Forum

    Check out all the updates with pictures, comparisons , and more in our NPC & IFBB forum! Loads of Photos of Top 2 Callout Competitors Branch Warren and Cedric McMillan! Its Close! Link:
  13. beeflover


    Any one near Gorgia ever done a sparten race before Was going to try my first one at the age of 43 dont know if the bod can handle it? any one close ever tryed!