
  1. drtbear1967

    Hamstring Training and Glutes

    Hamstrings training. Research shows that the inner hamstrings are the most activated (nearly 110 % of a maximal static contraction) followed by the outer hamstrings (80 %). This is because sprinting heavily relies on hip extension (driving your leg backwards). Thus, sprints can be a powerful...
  2. drtbear1967

    Stop Training Only Half of Your Hamstrings.

    Stop Training Only Half of Your Hamstrings by Nick Tumminello Want bigger, stronger hamstrings? Then you must do two types of hamstring exercises: • One where movement is focused at the hip joint, like RDLs and good mornings. • And one where movement is focused at the knee joint, like a...
  3. guardianactual

    3 workouts for better hamstrings.

    It seems we can't get halfway through the season of any major sport without hearing about a big-time player blowing a hamstring. Maybe the image that comes to mind when you think of that injury is a sprinter pulling up lame at the Olympics, but the problem is much bigger than that. For example...
  4. Metal85


    We show you the exercises you need to do to build a pair of huge hamstrings. Great hamstrings are something that every hardcore bodybuilder wants. Let's be honest, any back pose isn't complete without having your hamstrings up to speed. Have you ever been to a bodybuilding show where a...