
  1. Iron Game

    To Shrug or Not To Shrug - Branch Warren

    Time to Shrug Off Shrugs? In all your DVDs and video clips that I’ve watched, I’ve never once seen you do any shrugs. Obviously, you aren’t lacking in trap development, so I was wondering if you do something else for traps, or if it just comes naturally from all your back and shoulder...
  2. Iron Game

    30 Sets for Arms and How to Bring Up Weak Hamstrings

    Branch Warren 30 Sets for Arms: Overkill? I was watching a video on MD with Victor, Juan Morel and Jonathan De La Rosa training arms, and they must have done five exercises each for biceps and triceps. I want to say the total amount of sets was around 30. That strikes me as overkill. What do...
  3. Iron Game

    Jose Raymond: Better Hack Squats, Close-Grip Bench Press for Meaty Triceps

    Help for Hack Squats I no longer can do hack squats, as my right knee can’t bend at the angle anymore. What can take its place? I can get leg presses in without the pain, but will that give me the same results hacks give me? They seemed to be the only exercise that hit that “teardrop” above the...
  4. Iron Game

    Light Weights Can Kick Start Muscle Growth - Training Science

    Training Science - Light Weights Can Kick Start Muscle Gains “Lift heavy to grow!” This mantra has been preached since the early days of bodybuilding. Current research-based resistance training guidelines are consistent with the heavier-is-better-mentality, professing that loads below ~65...
  5. drtbear1967

    Women Should Not be Afraid to Get Strong!!

    <header class="entry-header">Women Should Not be Afraid to Get Strong by Nia Shanks </header>If you’ve been reading my blog for anything length of time, I’m sure you knew this was coming eventually. The truth of the matter is this: most women are terrified to lift anything remotely heavy...
  6. drtbear1967

    Obey the Mirror Rules

    Obey the Mirror Rules by John Romano It's an old-school rule that most people seem to have forgotten: If someone's going heavy, don't get between them and the mirror. The mirror is sacred. The heavier the weight, the more sacred it gets. Not for vanity's sake, but as a tool. For many lifts...
  7. Iron Game

    The Best Rep Range for Muscle Growth

    The Best Rep Range for Muscle Growth The “strength-endurance continuum” is a widely accepted concept in the field of exercise science. Simply stated, the theory asserts that training in different rep ranges elicits differential effects on muscular adaptations. From a practical...
  8. Iron Game

    Ted Arcidi First Man To Bench Press Over 700lbs Interviewed

    On March 3, 1985, Ted became the first man in powerlifting history to officially bench-press 700.5 pounds. He made that APF & USPF world-record lift at Gus Rethwisch's Budweiser World Record Breakers in Hawaii. Then, on September 30, 1990, after 5 1/2 years away from competition, he made the...
  9. 9

    10 Minute HIIT Heavy Bag Workout

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/i5Z8Igrrtbo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  10. drtbear1967

    Life Heavy. Get Stronger(er) and Look Better

    <header class="entry-header">Lift Heavy. Get Strong(er) and Look Better <time class="entry-time" itemprop="datePublished" datetime="2010-07-22T06:45:43+00:00">July 22, 2010</time> by Nia Shanks </header>Back in the day the primary focus and reason for weight training was to get stronger. Just...
  11. drtbear1967

    Glutathione (GSH) Profile

    Glutathione(GSH) is a tripeptide made up of 3 amino acids, and is the body's most important antioxidant. GSH is the key compound in the liver responsible for metabolizing tons of molecules, including alcohol and methylated androgens. The thiol(SH) group is the most important part of the...
  12. Iron Game

    Dexter Jackson & Dallas McCarver Field Your Questions

    Olympia Q&A SessionDexter Jackson & Dallas McCarver Field Your Questions DEXTER JACKSON Should You Wear a Weight Belt? Some people have criticized me for wearing a belt when I train. I feel a lot more secure with it on for many exercises, because I’ve hurt my back a few times over the years...
  13. Iron Game

    Branch Warren On Adding Muscle Mass

    Branch Warren Q&A - Strategies for Size I am 5'10", 45 years old, and have been training a long time, with a vast knowledge of exercises and various programs from Gironda-style and techniques to modern ideas. I train two body parts at a time, three times a week, and sometimes train full body...
  14. Iron Game

    The Isometric Deadlift Cycle That Took My Deadlift to 800 Pounds in 22 Months

    For years I was frustrated with my deadlift. I came out of the gate very fast, deadlifting 675 at 220 in my second meet. But from that point in 2002 until 2014, I was stuck between 675 and 710. Finally, after some knee problems that lead to surgery, I was able to make some progress. This was the...
  15. 9

    Heavy Bag Training Routine - Better Kicking

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/nHemh-o6_wo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  16. Iron Game

    Do I Need A Training Partner or A Spotter?

    Often a good training partner is a good friend, or will become one. I met my last training buddy when I changed gyms, I knew him from a powerlifting team we both competed in. For many years he came to my house with his car to pick me up for our work-outs. When one us of us didn’t feel well or...
  17. T

    Celebrex Info

    Does anyone have any info on Celebrex? Ortho Doc has prescribed it for my chronic shoulder pain due to arthritis and bone spurs. Didn't advise surgery for the spurs (unbelievably) account the benefits would be minor. Doc says that heavy lifting (no more than body weight) should be avoided. I've...
  18. Iron Game

    High Reps or Heavy Weights, What gives the best results to build Muscle?

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/BCgtFylaVkE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  19. 9

    Heavy Weight Heat Chart

  20. drtbear1967

    Best way to train shoulders

    I have an issue getting my shoulders to grow. I have done high volume, heavy presses and just about everything I can think of. Do any of you have any ideas as to what I should try?