
  1. drtbear1967

    4 Ways to Burn more Calories and Why Cardio Sucks!!

    4 Ways to Burn More Calories & Why Cardio Sucks!Choosing the correct type of exercise is critical for losing weight and keeping it off. By the end of this, you’ll realize cardio alone sucks for weight loss, but to explain this, first let’s recap how our body expends calories to put things in...
  2. H

    First Time IGF - Side Effect Help

    I am taking 2x250mg test E and 2x200mg tren E jabs a week. I am taking IGF1-lr3 (SOMEDIN-LR3) 200mcg 1 jab in the stomach every day, 1/4 of the vile (2ml water added to the vile, 1 vile = 4 days). I plan on doing this for 4 weeks, stop for 4 weeks, then again for 4 weeks. I've never used IGF...
  3. drtbear1967

    Bigger Muscle pull your Bones Better When Lifting.

    In terms of physics this due to the lengthening of so-called “moment arms”. The further you push from the hinge of a door, the longer the moment arm is said to be. . The moment arm also depends on HOW the force is applied to the door. Pushing straight att the door surface would mean more force...
  4. drtbear1967

    Does lifting faster increase strength?

    Does lifting faster increase strength gains? _ You often hear the advice of “lifting slowly” and “focus on the squeeze in the muscle”. _ Turns out this might very well cut your 1RM strength gains in half. _ Performing squats with maximal speed in the upward (concentric) phase vs half the...
  5. drtbear1967

    Tempo doesn't matter?

    Many trainers advocate for using slow and controlled lifting tempos as they believe this will lead to greater growth. However, this review found that lifting tempo has no effect on muscle growth. Furthermore, extremely slow tempos were actually less effective for growth than fast tempos. Let the...
  6. drtbear1967

    Lifting weights will not make you bulky!!

    Lifting weights will not make women bulky! Lifting weights will not make women bulky!On average, 30% of a woman’s bodyweight is composed of muscle, while men have around 40%. Women actually gain a bit more muscle, percentage-wise, initially, but the absolute amount of muscle gained...
  7. Presser

    The Cardio Conundrum, Lift Weights Before or After Cardiovascular Exercises

    Should You Lift Weights Before Doing Cardio? Or Do Cardio Before Weights? You’re a busy man. So when you work out, you aim to get in both strength training and cardio exercise in a single session. But should you do weights or cardio first? To help me answer that question, I talked to my...
  8. 9


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  9. D


    OK no dumb questions!!! Here is one. I need to have nasal surgery. This is most prob going to be in April. very inconvenient for my Cycle. End of April, then no lifting for 2 ish weeks, put me mid may. Bad for me, I need to be well into my cycle by then. Question is would I need to be "off" for...
  10. H

    Building muscle - trying to understand something

    Is this true: "an average person can build a max 5-6lbs of muscle a year when using anabolics". If not, how to build more muscle (with fat is fine)? What is the best roid to help with this? Just test, good diet and lifting heavy? Money isn't an issue, I am just fed up of how I look, really...
  11. Presser


    3 ADVANCED TECHNIQUES FOR A MONSTER BENCHby Noah Bryant, CSCS [Editor's Note: It's always a pleasure to introduce another well-credentialed athlete and writer to the ProSource family. In this case, we're REALLY keeping it in the family as we present Noah Bryant, CSCS, brother of powerlifting...
  12. drtbear1967

    Losing Training Motivation? Try this.

    Training hard is more important than following a plan. And if you're losing motivation, it'll be more difficult to train hard. Someone who trains brutally hard with laser-like focus on a very basic plan will get better results than someone who trains at 80% on the best plan designed by man. The...
  13. Musclebeauty

    Exercise and Mental Health: Using Fitness to Fight Depression and Anxiety

    A super great read:: I suffer from anxiety and panic disorder. This is something I have dealt with since childhood, but most predominantly since my mid-teens. When I was diagnosed, there was no array of pills to choose from to alleviate the situation. This was pre-Xanax, people. Prozac had...
  14. drtbear1967

    Rest Pause Training.

    While volume is the main driver of muscle growth, it seems that not all reps are created equal. Reps closer to failure may be more effective at stimulating muscle growth for advanced lifters. Muscle growth specialist Brad Schoenfeld identified tension, metabolic stress and muscle damage as...
  15. drtbear1967

    Can DNA predict your gains?

    Can DNA-tests really predict performance? This first-of-its-kind study tries to answer this question! It let athletes take DNA-tests from their saliva and used 14 gene variants to classify them as either “endurance” or “power” athletes, based on their DNA. Without letting them know which type...
  16. drtbear1967

    Cardio on Separate Days to Save Muscle.

    "If you want or need to add cardio to your strength training, it’s best to perform them on separate days, if your schedule allows. . In this study, strength gains were similar when doing cardio immediately after strength training versus on a separate day. However, the group doing their cardio on...
  17. drtbear1967

    BS on Body Type Training

    It’s time to call out the marketing bullshit telling people that they can’t get results if they don’t train according to their body type. - &#55357;&#56908;Yes, we are all built differently. Yes, we have different genetics. Yes, there is some evidence that certain gene types respond better to...
  18. drtbear1967

    Could orgasm be a performance enhancer for women?

    Imaging studies in women have shown that their brains are undergoing a fascinating set of changes post orgasm. These include increased activity of the areas associated with relaxation, touch, reward, memory, and pain sensation. Apparently, orgasm is a pretty reliable pain desensitizer for women...
  19. M


    Hi folks, i'm gonna to introduce myself. I don't have pics of myself, but i will try to tell smthg about me: I'm Phil and i love to lift weights. I started this for about couple of years ago and now i'm 6'3 220lbs, bench 260, deads 310, squats 280. Want to up my mass and increase strength. I...
  20. drtbear1967

    Cardio and Gains

    Sure, cardio can be detrimental to lifting, but in some cases it can actually be beneficial – better work capacity allows you to do more sets during your workouts after all. Cardio only becomes an issue if you do shit-tons of it (and especially if that means jogging) and/or you're descended from...