
  1. Dean Destructo

    Outcomes of Prostate Biopsy in Men with Hypogonadism Prior or During Testosterone Replacement Therapy.

    Outcomes of Prostate Biopsy in Men with Hypogonadism Prior or During TestosteroneReplacement Therapy.Shoskes DA1, Barazani Y1, Fareed K1, Sabanegh E Jr1. Author information AbstractINTRODUCTION:<abstracttext label="INTRODUCTION" nlmcategory="BACKGROUND">The relationship between Testosterone...
  2. Iron Game

    Weight Loss Drops Free Testosterone

    Life is balance. The teeter-totter on school playgrounds is a perfect example of how things tend to gravitate toward equilibrium unless some outside force acts. A pair of equal-weight first-grade children would soon get bored and wander off unless they start leg pressing the teeter-totter up and...
  3. Iron Game

    Positive Effects of AAS on the Heart

    Positive Effects of AAS on the Heart by Doug Kalman MS, RD Steroids will cause your kidneys to implode, your heart to blow a ventricle, and your liver to squirt out of your arse, fly across the room, and knock the cat off the futon. We read it on the Internet and saw an after school special...
  4. Iron Game

    Testosterone and the heart

    Testosterone and the heart Testosterone is responsible for men's deep voices, increased muscle mass, and strong bones. It also has crucial effects on male behavior, contributing to aggressiveness, and it is essential for the sex drive and normal sexual performance. Although testosterone acts...
  5. A

    Hottest Girl Contest!!

    Ok bros head over to the sexy fit chicks forum and check out the All American Labs contest going down! If you got a bad bitch at the house this is an easy way to win 20% off your order. ALL AMERICAN LABS where men become men again
  6. Masher59

    Get Rid Of Those Man Boobs (Moobs)

    LEARN HOW TO GET RID OF MAN BOOBS OR MOOBS 0 get rid of man your man boobs with these tips. Man boobs have become a common problem for many men and this guide will help you get rid of them.I never thought that my fitness career would ever lead me down a road that made me feel obligated to...
  7. akn

    Cialis and your Prostate: Understanding Prostate Issues, Prevention & Treatment

    Introduction Prostate health in men is often dismissed or overlooked. Lots of folks are working towards healthy blood counts and liver values, but the fact is that your prostate gland is highly affected. This may not be a big deal to you, but a lot of concern will be raised once you understand...
  8. Iron Game

    Adex for Gyno AKA Aqua-Dex

    Q: I would like information about using Arimidex for moderate gynecomastia secondary to lipodistrophy. Dosage 2mg? A: Gynecomastia is a benign enlargement of the male breast resulting from a growth of the glandular tissue of the breast. Gynecomastia is defined clinically by the presence of a...
  9. T

    Help a brotha out

    Hello friends, i can't say that I'm sure yet but im considering starting a low dose cycle. I've been lifting for a while and have gotten great results (145 lbs- 198 lbs in 4 years). I'm not looking to compete or anything, I just have a true fascination with how effective some of these...
  10. Iron Game

    Less Frequent Injections: Testosterone Buciclate and Testosterone Undecanoate

    New types of testosterone replacement therapies that require less frequent injections may soon be available in the United States and may already be available in several other countries around the world. Two such testosterone formulations include long-acting esters: testosterone buciclate and...
  11. akn

    Vitamin D and Gonadal Function in Men: A Potential Inverse U-Shaped Association?

    Accumulating evidence from animal and human studies suggests that vitamin D, apart from its regulatory effects on musculoskeletal health, is involved in reproductive function in both genders. The basis of the interplay between vitamin D and reproduction lays on the presence of both vitamin D...
  12. akn

    Are Heavy Weights Necessary for Maximizing Muscle Growth?

    by Mike Arnold It seems like just yesterday that every aspiring bodybuilder was following the example of men like Dorian Yates and Ronnie Coleman, who were known for lifting ungodly amounts of weights on a near daily basis. But over the last 10 or so years bodybuilders seem to have moved away...
  13. akn

    Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment Patterns for Testosterone Deficiency

    While there are some clear indications for testosterone replacement in children, the role of testosterone therapy in most adult men is not as clearly defined. This has implications as testosterone therapy is associated with numerous risks, including worsening sleep apnea, erythrocytosis, and...
  14. akn

    Effects of Testosterone Treatment in Older Men

    The so called double-blind randomized controlled trial (RCT) is accepted by medicine as the gold standard objective scientific methodology, and provides the highest strength of evidence for the effectiveness of a treatment.[1-4] An accumulating body of evidence shows that treating hypogonadal...
  15. akn

    Can Aspirin Save You From Cancer or Heart Disease?

    In people with pre-existing cardiovascular disease, it has long been well documented that long-term use of aspirin is an effective anti-platelet treatment that significantly reduces the risk of serious cardiovascular events (such as heart attacks and strokes) by 30% and cardiovascular death by...
  16. akn

    Enclomiphene – The Super Clomid?

    by Josh Hodnik Clomiphene (Clomid) is one of the first drugs ever used for post-cycle-therapy to restore the body’s natural testosterone production. Clomiphene is a synthetic estrogen agonist/antagonist. In certain tissues it can block estrogen by binding to certain receptors. It can oppose the...
  17. Iron Game

    Ostarine for Women? YES

    When it comes to taking anything to get results women definitely have it harder than men. The problem is that almost anything that provides faster results for women also has defeminizing effects as well. Don’t let some of the figure models fool you, take away the makeup, hair extensions...
  18. THE GRU

    Typical Down Playing of TRT by the Govt/Big Pharma

    So the link for am sharing is titled ( Testosterone Gel is No Fountain of Youth) Yet has tidbits of information that test subjects had T levels in 65yo subjects were restored to men in 18-40 is not a ( Fountain of Youth ) Look at below: On average, the testosterone increased men's hormone...