
  1. Iron Game


    Hoping all good fathers had a great day!! What did you do today? I played with the kids in the sprinkler and blew up water balloons. Great day! I'm not generally big on relaxing and I have never been much on playing even as a kid but my kids can really pull it out of me. Fathers day is more...
  2. Presser

    Sports Authority Stores In Bankruptcy, but Yahoo Opening New Channel for Gamers lol

    Ok, so im listening to my am talk radio, and last two stories were in this order, Sports Authority Store Chain in Bankruptcy, closing Stores, then the very next story was How Yahoo was opening a new Big channel and site for Online Gamers, with magazine of who is who in high score gaming , lmao...
  3. Presser

    Pressers Movie Review for...."Black Mass" with Johnny Depp

    Well Im about half way through this movie Black Mass with Johnny Depp playing the role crime lord whitey bulger. Had to stop and start movie twice now and still only half the way through , as having kids makes it tough to watch movies lol, anyways, not a bad movie, maybe its all the start...
  4. Presser

    Fan Duel and Draft Kings Cheating Scandal

    Of course after i just started gambling on Fan Duel and winning, i read that it may get shut down due to one of Draft Kings employees winning 350k$ on Fan Duel through some insider trading shit, lol Not sure how it went down but anyone else betting with these guys yet? I am now on fan duel and...
  5. Presser

    Anyone ever Gamble in that Draft Kings League on TV?

    I was curious about this Draft Kings thing i see commercials on tv for all the time, and I also seen HBO real sports did a piece on this online fantasy gambling as well, and i am thinking about playing but not sure how it works exactly , anyone??
  6. Presser

    MuscleChemistry Fantasy League!!! Football Season Cant Come Fast Enough.

    Football season starts soon and i can't wait baby! So I figured I would post this now and see who all would be down for a MuscleChemistry Fantasy Football League. I know we have a blast gambling our credits every week against one another and also playing the pools we have each week, but...