
  1. Iron Game

    Use The Leg Press Properly

    Don't think you can't mess up your form on machines? Here are some important reminders of what can go wrong. You'd think the leg press would be idiot-proof. But nope! Like anything else in the weight room, there are any number of ways you can mess it up. Because you don't have to balance the...
  2. Presser

    Please Welcome our New MuscleChemistry Site Representative ......GotTren

    Please welcome our Newest MuscleChemistry.com Site Representative "GotTren" who has offered his time to help Represent as well as Grow MuscleChemistry.com! GotTren will also be overseeing / running the "Anabolic Steroids Photos Forum" and adding useful information to this forum daily...
  3. Iron Game

    Rest Pause Training - Boost Your Training Intensity

    Go to any gym these days and you see most trainees doing an endless number of reps all in the hopes of attaining the oh-so elusive and fleetingly short pump. Blame it on Arnold who, years ago in the movie "Pumping Iron," said that getting a pump was as good as coming, or, in Arnold-ese, comink...
  4. Presser

    Phil Heath Wins 6th Consecutive Sandow. 2016 Mr Olympia Bodybuilding Champion

    <caption style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px 0.5em; border-width: 0px 0px 4px; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-color: rgb(239, 63, 35); outline: 0px; font-size: 20px; vertical-align: baseline; height: 40px; line-height: 40px; white-space: nowrap; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased...
  5. Presser

    2016 Mr. Olympia Results and Payout

    2016 Mr. Olympia Results and Payout Position Competitor Payout 1 Phil Heath $400,000 2 Shawn Rhoden $150,000 3 Dexter Jackson $100,000 4 Big Ramy $55,000 5 William Bonac $45,000 6 Roelly Winklaar $35,000 7 Cedric McMillan $25,000 8...
  6. P

    1st time user

    Hey guys any information greatly appreciated . So I just competed in my first physique contest on Sunday which I won , I now have 24 weeks until nationals and was looking down the route of igf1 for some help to make a few tweaks to put me in a better position for the finals . Just wondering if...
  7. cloudstrife1218

    The Push Press

    The Push Pressby Chris Matsui | 11/09/12 <ins class="adsbygoogle" data-ad-client="ca-pub-2150689113702425" data-ad-slot="3142085597" data-ad-format="auto" data-adsbygoogle-status="done" style="box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; vertical-align...
  8. Iron Game

    How Important is Muscular Contraction During Training?

    How Important is Muscular Contraction During Training? As you stroll through gyms and observe trainees of all types and persuasions, you will encounter many different methods of training. You will also observe terrible exercise form used in the exercises, such as barbells swinging with arched...
  9. The Dude

    Bodybuilding stigma in the real world

    I've been unemployed since Jan 1 after being let go after being hurt at work and being told that I could no longer continue by the surgeon. In that time I've gotten all the way to the final interview 3 times with big insurance companies. All 3 times I thought I did really well. I'm articulate...
  10. Iron Game


    My previous articles have outlined many different training routines and techniques to increase muscle size and strength using the HIT, or High Intensity Protocol. This article continues that with a focus on outlining some of the many diverse HIT Variables or techniques available as revealed in...
  11. Presser


    We are looking for a couple new site reps to help contribute to the site, answer member questions and such! This is a compensated position for those who are interested contact me for details! YOU can Apply whether your new, old, or been a rep or applied before. Pm Me Presser
  12. Iron Game

    The Most Underrated Exercise Around Front Squats

    We’ve all seen it: an overzealous lifter in the squat rack, four plates deep on each side, bellowing out a battle cry as if entering battle against Gregor Clegane in the Game of Thrones. One of two things happen: 1. An underwhelming quarter squat. 2. A “hybrid good-morning” that resembles Miley...
  13. Iron Game

    Building an Impressive Back

    Building an Impressive Back Go to any bodybuilding contest or fitness expo and you will see an array of impressive looking people. Large muscular arms, chest and shoulders fill such events yet often when viewed from behind these people seem to look a lot more average. It’s nearly disappointing...
  14. Iron Game

    How to Get Pumped and Shredded Biceps

    Arms that ripple with muscle and strength are just plain out sexy! Women absolutely love to see a man with nice strong arms and men love to see women with arms that are toned and shapely and do not look like a pair of bat wings flapping in the wind. So what do you need to do to get your arms in...
  15. Iron Game

    Lose Your Belly Fat And Show Off Your Six Pack Abs

    Have you been religiously doing your abdominal muscle exercises? Is your abs showing to your satisfaction? No? Why? Do you know that your abdominal muscle is one of the easiest muscles to build but yet why is it that most people have difficulty in developing that 6 pack abs? Here is the truth...
  16. 9

    Government Responds to Nick Diaz Petition

    OFFICIAL WHITE HOUSE RESPONSE TO 'Lift the NSAC ban from MMA fighter Nick Diaz'. This response was published on December 8, 2015. A response to your petition on the suspension of Nick Diaz: Thank you for your petition regarding the Nevada Athletic Commission’s suspension of Nick Diaz...
  17. akn

    The Lost Art of Vacuum Training

    by Mike Arnold Of all the topics I have written on over the last several years, there are a select few I tend to return to again and again. One of these is stomach distension—perhaps the single biggest blight in modern competitive bodybuilding. Largely responsible for the destruction of the...
  18. Presser

    How To Eliminate Rotator Cuff Injuries Bodybuilding Training

    As hard as it may be to believe. Rotor Cuff injuries really stem from incorrect positioning of the shoulders. When you add weight, it is just then, a matter of time. When we evaluate an athlete, through what we call an athletic physical, we determine what injuries you as an athlete are...