
  1. Presser

    Fiber Cut Causing Slow Connection Time!

    Below in BOLD is the message we received from our Service Provider and we do apologize to our members here at MuscleChemistry and Our Store Customers for How Slow Connection is This morning! Hopefully The Issue is resolved shortly! At approximately 06:30 GMT (March 4th, 2021) we were alerted of...
  2. drtbear1967

    What makes Muscle, Keeps Muscle

    WHAT MAKES MUSCLE, KEEPS MUSCLE – From a specificity standpoint, if the goal is fat loss the general consensus is to train a metric ton and make yourself hate life and exercise till you can't feel the left side of your face. It's a faulty approach with regards to fat loss. Fat loss plans should...
  3. T

    I severly pulled my hamstring, anyone have any suggestions??

    OK about 2 and half wks ago I had one of my powerlifters yell for me, he was stuck on the bench with about 275lbs so I straddled him and when I pulled up the bar I majorly pulled my left hammy forcing me to drop the bar back on him, we managed to get him out of it w hardly any injury but me! It...
  4. Presser

    Clomid and Nolvadex as Innovative PCT Drugs: Selecting the Best

    <header class="entry-header" style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(33, 37, 41); font-family: "Open Sans", sans-serif; font-size: 14.4px;">Clomid and Nolvadex as Innovative PCT Drugs: Selecting the Best</header>Nolvadex and Clomid are undoubtedly two most spread and appreciated SERMs...
  5. Presser


    reclaim your mojo A Testosterone therapy Guide for men: <header class="entry-header" style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(45, 45, 45); font-family: "Titillium Web", sans-serif; font-size: 18px;"></header> Testosterone levels naturally decrease as men age, so maintaining healthy...
  6. drtbear1967

    Diet - Has to be practical.

    Diet (noun). The word that puts people off entertaining any thoughts about attempting to make nutritional changes to support an aspiring goal... (usually fat loss). The word may say diet(ing), but really you read it as: ‘the eternal struggle’... ‘something I need serious willpower for’...
  7. drtbear1967

    You cannot Force Progression!!!

    You cannot force progression! You must use intelligent structure 💪 - 👉Tag a friend who needs patience - It seem that training volume is likely the biggest driver of muscle hypertrophy and you need to increase it to keep gaining muscle… however, there is an upper limit to how much you can do and...
  8. Presser

    Do Steroids Slow Down The Aging Process or Speed it Up?

    Do Steroids Slow Down The Aging Process or Speed it Up? Aging is a process that is unavoidable, and people have been searching for that elixir or fountain of youth since the beginning of time. Let’s face it, people don’t like getting old. Rarely do you see anyone that truly embraces the aging...
  9. Ox 51

    MLB Free Agents Carry Into Spring Training

    RONALD BLUM (AP Baseball Writer),The Associated Press•February 10, 2019 Bryce Harper, Manny Machado, Craig Kimbrel and Dallas Keuchel won't be around when the bat and ball bags are opened at spring training throughout Florida and Arizona this week. They are among the dozens of free agents still...
  10. Steroidify Rep

    MyoGen Labs is here

    MyoGen Labs is here: About The Company | MyoGen Labs We're proud to announce our official partnership with MyoGen Labs - #MuscleOrigins Their first lab tested batch is already available with us at: Their products will ship from our...
  11. Steroidify Rep

    MyoGen Labs Is Here

    MyoGen Labs is here: About The Company | MyoGen Labs We're proud to announce our official partnership with MyoGen Labs - #MuscleOrigins Their first lab tested batch is already available with us at: Their products will ship from our...
  12. Presser

    How Creatine Works and Why Even Advanced Bodybuilders Use It Alongside Anabolic Steroids

    How Creatine Works and Why Even Advanced Bodybuilders Use It Alongside Anabolic Steroids Layne Norton, PhD Creatine can increase muscle strength, help you work harder for longer in the gym, and give you a bigger muscle pump. It’s also very safe, so there’s no reason not to add this...
  13. Musclebeauty

    Gh tips for woman

    Take (1IU to 2IU) of GH first thing in the morning as you*wake up on a empty stomach. This will help female athletes tone their muscles, reduce*body fat and make the skin more elastic reducing*the affects of aging. Growth Hormone also has the added benefit of making your hair grow thicker and...
  14. drtbear1967

    More reason to avoid Soy!

    One study found that soy protein might actually increase protein breakdown in skeletal muscle. The researchers fed both casein and soy protein isolate to pigs for 15 weeks and concluded the following: "These data suggest that the inferior quality of dietary soybean protein induces...
  15. W

    lost another 8..300 pounds pics

    hey all just trying to get rid of fat losing size in the process.
  16. drtbear1967

    Its All about the Grind.

    oo many people are sitting at the training buffet with hungry eyes and small stomachs. Their goals, commitment and effort don't match up. This is something we all go through. Case in point, every summer some high-school football player sends me this question: "My coach tells me that if I gain 50...
  17. Presser

    nandrolone decanoate (Deca-Durabolin(r)) understanding of how anabolic steroids can influence the muscle repair process

    <h1>nandrolone decanoate (Deca-Durabolin(r)) understanding of how anabolic steroids can influence the muscle repair process</h1> Studies indicate that the anabolic nandrolone decanoate (Deca-Durabolin(r)) can modulate cell cycle regulation, but little is known about its effects on muscle...
  18. Presser

    HGH or the Human Growth Hormone therapy beneficial for women, Not just bodybuilding or competitive female athletes

    HGH for Women HGH or the Human Growth Hormone therapy is quite beneficial for the modern women of today. Balancing work, career, kids and home leaves them quite stressful and takes a toll on their health. When women reach their menopause, there is a possible risk of many hormone deficiencies...
  19. drtbear1967

    Theory on why you should eat proten first.

    If you fill your hunger with protein first what are you most likely not going to eat a huge amount of? It takes roughly 24.6-26 calories burned to digest every 100 calories of protein yet it only takes roughly 3.8 to 4.2 calories burned to digest every 100 calories of fats/carbs so are you...
  20. Dean Destructo

    Eating based on genetic profile?

    Have you had a DNA test? Do you know what genes are important to you and dictate what foods your process correctly. For example my Asian and indigenous background made me not able to process fat well and also I am unable to absorb folic acids at the rate of most people. I have tweaked my diet to...