
  1. drtbear1967

    Nicotinamide N-Methyltransferase (NNMT)

    theguerrillachemist There is a fairly new area for obesity that involves an enzyme known as nicotinamide N-methyltransferase(NNMT), which is known to be unregulated in white adipose tissue. NNMT helps regulate the detoxification of certain compounds like methionine(homomethionine), via...
  2. Josh Hodnik

    hGH vs IGF-1 For Muscle Growth Q and A with Dave Palumbo

    by Josh Hodnik In comparison to just a decade ago, there is a much better understanding today of how growth hormone (GH) and insulin growth factor-1 (IGF-1) affect the human body. While there is a greater understanding regarding these peptides, there are still many unknowns. Much of the...
  3. Q

    hGH vs IGF-1 For Muscle Growth Q and A with Dave Palumbo

    by Josh Hodnik In comparison to just a decade ago, there is a much better understanding today of how growth hormone (GH) and insulin growth factor-1 (IGF-1) affect the human body. While there is a greater understanding regarding these peptides, there are still many unknowns. Much of the...
  4. drtbear1967

    Truth about Fasted Cardio

    Probably the most practiced technique for burning fat, the research points to the opposite results. According to this analysis of the research, 1)fasted training in general can lead to breakdown of protein tissue before adipose tissue 2) HIIT has been proven superior for fat loss, partly by...
  5. drtbear1967

    Eucommia Ulmoides (EU)

    This is a very interesting paper from 2007 involving a plant species called Eucommia ulmoides(EU) and its ability to act as a phytoandrogen and potentiate sex hormones in the body. EU contains triterpenoids, which were shown to weakly activate the androgen receptor. However these unique...
  6. Vision

    Trenbolone and SARMS , similarities with targeting properties?

    Merck's new anabolic steroid: MK-0773 (J Biol Chem. 2010 May 28; 285 (22): 17054-64.) He doesn't have a real name yet, but if it is up to the important men of Merck / Schering-Plow Pharma , then it will be on the market in the near future: the anabolic steroid MK-0773. You can see his...
  7. drtbear1967

    Amount of Rest Between Sets - more or less????

    Bodybuilders often employ short rest periods in an effort to promote gains in muscle size, but that’s probably not the best method. Studies such as this one show that using longer rest periods (3-minutes) is more effective for promoting gains in size and strength than short rest periods. This is...
  8. drtbear1967

    Dealing with Sickness

    Getting sick is the last thing you want to happen when you enjoy training and are making good progress. But if you feel ill, it's a good idea to lay off the intense training sessions for a while and take some rest to let yourself recover properly [1]. - Taking some rest won't result in immediate...
  9. Presser

    CARDARINE GW 501516 Effects and Actions In Bodybuilding

    Cardarine Basics: When it comes to performance enhancers, there are those that get the job done, and there are those that get the job done at cost. While sometimes, the balance between the both of them gets blurred, there is no doubt that a lot of individuals are consistently looking for...
  10. Vision

    Fat loss and AAS (Is it real?)

    Fat loss and AAS (Is it real?) Fat loss is fat burning.. Is water wet? I feel people confuse the concepts with applying restrictions and limitations but separating the process, but let's look at the linear markers, they're one in the same but at different speeds/rates.. Reduction is reduction...
  11. jimbosmith316


    If you are a person who is serious about their fitness and/or bodybuilding you are always looking for new ways to make the most of your workouts. Part of why people stretch before and after the workout is keep themselves from being sore the next day. People also adjust their diets and supplement...
  12. jimbosmith316

    The Ultimate Guide to CBD

    The Ultimate Guide to CBD: Everything You Need to Know About the Miraculous Health Benefits of Cannabidiol BY LEONARD LEINOW AND JULIANA BIRNBAUM CBD for Health Concerns The ancient doctors and healers across the globe who prescribed cannabis thousands of years ago did so because they...
  13. jimbosmith316


    #1: Key Ingredient Cannabidiol is a key ingredient in cannabis, one of more than 80 compounds unique to the plant and grouped under the umbrella term “cannabinoids.” Cannabidiol, otherwise known as CBD, and THC are usually the most common cannabinoids in the plant and are therefore the most...
  14. jimbosmith316

    OSTARINE (MK-2866)

    For a long time, S-4 or Andarine was believed to be the answer that researchers had long been seeking. The perfect selective androgen receptor modulator that could prevent muscle wasting and reduce the risk of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Phase-I Human clinical trials happened. The results...
  15. jimbosmith316

    Research shows surprising link between weightlifting and cognition. IGF-1 signaling

    Research shows surprising link between weightlifting and cognition John Murphy, MDLinx | August 15, 2019 In a new study in the Journal of Applied Physiology, researchers demonstrated that weight training can overcome cognitive impairment and even jumpstart the creation of new neurons. Just...
  16. drtbear1967

    Energy Balance

    The type of exercise you perform can also influence energy balance. This study found that both resistance training and interval training increased resting energy expenditure over baseline but steady state cardio had no effect on energy expenditure. Therefore, if you’re wanting to lose weight...
  17. jimbosmith316

    Peptides: Why advancing peptide science and technology should be a priority

    Peptides: Why advancing peptide science and technology should be a priority<time class="entry-date updated td-module-date" datetime="2019-07-09T14:28:28+00:00" style="box-sizing: border-box;">July 9, 2019 Paula Gomes, Associate Professor of Chemistry and Senior Researcher in Bioorganic and...
  18. jimbosmith316

    Potential arthritis treatment prevents cartilage breakdown

    <header style="font-family: nimbus-sans, sans-serif, Arial, Verdana; font-size: 14px;">Potential arthritis treatment prevents cartilage breakdown Injectable material made of nanoscale particles can deliver arthritis drugs throughout cartilage. Six days after treatment with IGF-1 carried by...
  19. drtbear1967

    Stimulating Reps

    A Stimulating Rep is a repetition in which maximum activation occurs with a slow contraction velocity. Follow the steps on the infographic for maximizing muscle activation – both heavy weights or light weights taken to failure can produce high amounts of activation. Movement velocity will also...
  20. MegaDaveMustang

    Greetings MC Community!

    I just wanted to take a moment to introduce myself & thank everyone for the years of great accumulated information. Many moons ago I was a member here but as usual, life happened & I am now on the road to getting back on track. I have been & will be lurking quite a bit more to soak up...