
  1. jasonhill800

    Building Muscle: Common Sense That Most People Forget

    Nowadays it seems like everyone and their brother is starting some sort of health & fitness lifestyle. For many people that is weight loss, but for many, it’s all about the gains. Unfortunately, when it comes to both weight loss and weight gain, the market is saturated with equipment...
  2. D

    Muscle strength gene tweaking

    Tweaking a gene makes muscles twice as strong Salk scientists and their collaborators find new avenue for treating muscle degeneration in people who can't exercise LA JOLLA, CA—An international team of scientists has created super-strong, high-endurance mice and worms by suppressing a natural...
  3. N

    Project Get Shredded 2021 | Updates | Overcoming Obstacles | New Features

    Project Get Shredded 2021 is nearing its 5 week! We are almost a quarter of the way there! Some of you were training for bodybuilding competitions and your plans were foiled by COVID. PGS 2021 gave you guys the opportunity to press forward in pursuit of your bodybuilding dreams. We...
  4. D

    raloxifene vs tamoxifen other ways to help the appearance of the nipples

    raloxifene vs tamoxifen other ways to help the appearance of the nipples raloxifene vs tamoxifen Objectives: To assess the efficacy of the anti-estrogens tamoxifen and raloxifen in the medical management of persistent pubertal gynecomastia. Study design: Retrospective chart review of 38...
  5. drtbear1967

    Why effort MATTERS for hypertrophy

    Why effort MATTERS for hypertrophy ⁣ Effort matters for hypertrophy, and if you think you can get away with no-effort based workouts, well... then you're likely not optimizing the efficacy of your training program, and probably 𝘍'𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥.⁣ ⁣ Don't get me wrong, there are scenarios in which we...
  6. drtbear1967

    A New Type of Curcumin

    <header class="entry-header" style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-bottom: 10px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: din-2014, sans-serif; font-size: 17px;">Bulletin: A New Type of CurcuminThe Fix to Curcumin's Unspoken Problem </header>Regular versions of curcumin have huge bioavailability...
  7. jasonhill800

    DISCUSSION THREAD - Free vs. Total Testosterone: What’s the difference?

    In light of the blood test results that we have been posting up, we’d like to discuss a few points that will help you all analyse the results better. Approximately 98% of the testosterone the body produces is bound to either sex-hormone binding globulin (SHBG), or albumin. This is referred to...
  8. N

    Geneza Pharmaceuticals Blood Test Results

    We will be posting blood test results here performed by Volunteers (All volunteers are fellow forum members). All blood test results have been taken after minimum 2 weeks of administration. If you want to volunteer for blood tests, please get in touch with one of us via PM.
  9. jasonhill800

    Geneza Pharmaceuticals Blood Test Results

    We will be posting blood test results here performed by Volunteers (All volunteers are fellow forum members). All blood test results have been taken after minimum 2 weeks of administration. If you want to volunteer for blood tests, please get in touch with one of us via PM.
  10. jasonhill800

    Napsgear Laboratory Tests Of Medication

    NapsGear is the leading and most trusted provider of high quality, affordable medications. We have always been known for having exceptional quality products and tremendous inventory including those innovative products you can't find at any other place. Independent laboratory testing and...
  11. MegaDaveMustang

    Naps Contest Order TD

    Hello all, just wanted to mention the Naps contest order has been received with no issues. Good packaging, customer service and quick T/A at 6 days including non-business days. It will be a while before I'll be able to update on product effectiveness as I started my current cycle just the day...
  12. Presser

    Anavar: The #1 Oral for Quality Muscle Gains/Retention During a Diet! - John Doe Bodybuilding

    Anavar: The #1 Oral for Quality Muscle Gains/Retention During a Diet!by John Doe Bodybuilding Long ago were the days of cheap cycles with shit like Dbol. I know, I know, it's what all of the “golden era” bodybuilders used right? But you have to understand that old school guys didn't use Dbol...
  13. N

    ANNOUNCEMENT - Call for Volunteers - All expenses paid, FREE products and much more!

    Hello members, NAPSGEAR is looking for five of you to help us test our products. You must be willing to provide Blood Test results for any of the below - TESTE 250 TEST Cyp 250 TEST Prop 100 For participating in this, you must fulfill the following criteria: You must be a member for over one...
  14. drtbear1967

    What does Genetics Control?

    What does genetics control ? ⁣ ⁣ Many people like to blame their condition on genetics, and while there are certainly things that we can't control, we can still make outstanding progress with what we actually can control, which is what we should focus our attention on: the ability to control our...
  15. drtbear1967

    How to deal with Stubborn Fat.

    Well.. you already know the answer. Stubborn fat, just like any other fat, is lost by creating a caloric deficit through a mixture of dieting and exercising. ⁣ ⁣ First of all we need to get lean enough to tackle those areas (which tend to leave last!) but once we're there, they'll go just as...
  16. Presser

    Sarm Sciences RAD-140 Review – Testolone Dosage, Results, Cycle & Side-Effects

    Sarm Sciences RAD-140 Review – Testolone Dosage, Results, Cycle & Side-Effects Fact checked by Montgomery Connolly, BHSc FACT CHECKED rad-140RAD-140 testolone, are you also tired of hearing this word again and again in your bodybuilding circle ? Do you want to know about the results of...
  17. T

    Gonova HGH Serum Test and Review

    Recently I’ve been trying to find a generic GH that compares with pharma, and I have to say Gonova comes the closest out of al the generics i tried. Full and vascular without too much water retention. I also did a GH serum blood test following this protocol: inject 10iu HGH intramuscular then 3...
  18. gandhisays

    Injectable Dinabol versus Oral Dibol.

    Dianabol is one of the most common performance enhancing drugs on the market, in pill form that is. But what about using it as an injection? Though it isn’t as common a method, it is out there as an option. Compared side by side, they may not seem that different, however slight distinctions...
  19. gandhisays

    Dianabol and the FEMALE ATHLETE

    Dianabol has been a popular choice amongst male athletes since the 1960s, but what about female athletes? They have more of a presence now than they ever have when it comes to the bodybuilding and weightlifting stage. Since Dianabol is such a successful and powerful performance enhancing drug...
  20. Presser

    SARM SCIENCES Listed Best Brand Cardarine GW 501516. Trade Name - Enduroblic GW.

    Ten Brands of CARDARINE GW 501516 Tested. MuscleChemistry Store Brand SARM SCIENCES Makes The Cut! BEST BRAND: SARM SCIENCES TRADE NAME: ENDUROBOLIC GW Cardarine (also known as GW 501516) is one of the most well-known, often used SARMs you can find in today’s marketplace. Bodybuilders and...