
  1. drtbear1967

    Full Body Splits - How to

    When doing full body splits, it’s important to perform lower body exercises before upper body exercises. We see evidence of this importance in studies showing that performing upper body exercises to fatigue can impair your ability to maximally activate lower body muscles. This is likely evidence...
  2. drtbear1967

    Calorie Surplus is a Must!!

    A calorie surplus is obviously the main driver of a bulking phase, however, how large should this surplus be? A recent review by Slater et al. (2019) uncovered the energy costs associated with building muscle as well as the metabolic adaptations that occur during high calorie dieting plus lean...
  3. drtbear1967


    Betaine is a naturally occurring osmolyte found in a handful of foods. Betaine may promote water retention in muscle cells which can increase cell swelling during exercise, AKA: help you get a better pump. This increase in cell swelling may also benefit protein signaling after exercise. Betaine...
  4. drtbear1967

    How to train the Hamstrings

    The hamstrings are right around a 50-50 split between fast twitch and slow twitch muscle fibers. This means that a wide variety of repetition and rest period ranges should be used to train the hamstrings. In addition, remember to include BOTH knee flexion-based and hip extension-based hamstrings...
  5. drtbear1967

    How to Train Arms to get them to Grow.

    Both the biceps and triceps are fast twitch dominant muscle groups, meaning that the majority of training should be spent with heavier weights and longer rest periods (1-3 mins for smaller muscle groups). However, the triceps may have some differences in fiber type composition between individual...
  6. J

    Help/suggestions AAS

    Hey guys, need some help. I recent “trainer” where I received all of my super helpful oily and oral “information” seems to have retired and I am in need of a new legit plug. It’s a gamble going through anyone else and there’s so many people and websites that are plugs so I need a legit source...
  7. drtbear1967

    How to train your lats.

    The lats appear to be a pretty even fiber type split, with around 50% fast and 50% slow twitch fibers. This means a wide range of repetitions and rest periods should be used and you should also (occasionally) utilize aids like lifting straps to ensure that your grip is not failing before your...
  8. Vision

    Ask the Doc - liver detoxes - Liver cocktail (Official validation to some protocols)

    This is for educational purposes only Here is some game changing info that many people might not know about, I've been aware of it for some time, but it wasn't until recently (this year) I seen this video from The Doc talking about liver detox and ridding fatty liver, validating the old...
  9. drtbear1967

    Unilateral Training for Quads

    Developing a massive and detailed pair of quads not only takes years of hard training, but it will also likely requires a healthy amount of unilateral work. Both lunges and step-ups have been shown to be more effective at activating the outer quad as opposed to squats. Therefore, unilateral...
  10. drtbear1967

    Maca Root

    Maca Root is a common ingredient in many natural testosterone boosters due to its association with improving sexual health. While maca has been shown to be effective for improving sexual health and/or desire, these improvements are independent of increases in testosterone. Therefore...
  11. drtbear1967

    Pre Workout Carbs

    Many often preach the importance of carbs before training. However, these sermons are often based off of needs for endurance athletes; resistance training causes much less glycogen depletion. Therefore, carbohydrate availability is rarely a limiting factor in performance during resistance...
  12. drtbear1967

    Egg Protein

    Whey protein has been shown several times over to be the top choice for supporting muscle growth with training. However, many people have milk allergies that make consuming whey, well, uncomfortable. Luckily, egg protein has a similar leucine content and excellent digestibility ratings which...
  13. drtbear1967

    Full ROM for more Gains.

    Gains in muscle size are specific to the range of motion used. Partial range of motion movements will only isolate a specific portion of the muscle whereas full range of motion typically develops the entire muscle – both quarter and full squats resulted in similar upper thigh growth but only...
  14. Stugatz

    Introduction - PSL Rep

    Hey everyone, I'd like to introduce myself as part of the Purity Source Labs team of representatives. You may know me as Jozifp103 from when PSL was here previously. I seemed to have misplaced my password so I'll be starting from scratch as a nobody ;). I look forward to spending time here and...
  15. drtbear1967

    Time under Tension

    The length-tension relationship of skeletal muscle is well-known; however, scientists and fitness professionals rarely realize its relevance to muscle growth. We know that mechanical tension is the main stimulus for muscle growth and the length-tension curve shows us that muscle fibers...
  16. drtbear1967

    Energy Balance

    The type of exercise you perform can also influence energy balance. This study found that both resistance training and interval training increased resting energy expenditure over baseline but steady state cardio had no effect on energy expenditure. Therefore, if you’re wanting to lose weight...
  17. drtbear1967

    Macronutrients and calories burned

    The macronutrient content of a meal can influence how many calories you burn throughout the day; this is referred to as, “diet-induced thermogenesis.” While this particular study is a little older, it is well-accepted that higher protein meals will induce greater energy expenditure than high...
  18. drtbear1967

    Carbs or Fats

    Consuming carbs or fat after your workout depends on both your nutrient adaptations and goals. Obviously, keto-adapted individuals should stick to fats post-workout, whereas non-keto trainers will shoot for carbs instead. Resistance training will cause some moderate glycogen depletion, so follow...
  19. drtbear1967

    Antioxidants and Muscle Growth

    Antioxidants are a common supplement for both health and fitness. Antioxidants work by donating an electron to reactive oxygen species (free radicals) – this can reduce oxidative stress and muscle damage. Unfortunately, oxidative stress acts as a growth signal following training, so reducing...
  20. drtbear1967

    To Train or Not when you're sick.

    Getting sick is a part of every day life, however, many bodybuilders want to train through their illnesses. For mild symptoms, this is probably fine and simply requires some fine tuning in your workout. More severe illnesses will more than likely force you to take a day off. Training with a...