
  1. Jumbo Shrimp

    Dave Tate and Ed Coan Coach the Squat

    Must see
  2. drtbear1967

    Get to Thrusting!!

    ebtofficial🍑 😏 🍑 . 1 did a study where he compared hip thrusts to squats using EMG (a way of electrically measuring muscle activity). (1) EMG measurements usually work by first asking people to squeeze a muscle as much as they can to get a "reference" value of 100%, and then measuring how much...
  3. drtbear1967

    4 day Upper and Lower Body Split

    Most commonly, this training split involves 4 workouts a week with each session dedicated to upper and lower-body training in alternating succession, like this: . • Monday: Upper Body . • Tuesday: Lower Body . • Thursday: Upper Body . • Friday: Lower Body . Pros: For most lifters, training each...
  4. Jumbo Shrimp

    You are sumo deadlifting all wrong

    This is a great article by C.J Murphy about the sumo deadlift. It is not a hip hinge! The Sumo Deadlift — You're Doing It the Wrong Way TAGS: TPS performance, how do I sumo deadlift?, deadlift form, deadlift technique, cj murphy, conventional deadlift,sumo deadlift Originally published in...
  5. drtbear1967

    Strength Test - Can you pass the test?

    There are a lot of strength tests out there, many unrealistic. But here's one that you and everyone else should be able to pass. . Barbell Squats: Bodyweight Equivalent for 6 Reps Minimum: Front squat, back squat, you name it. I don't care what variation you choose, if you can't squat to your...
  6. Dean Destructo


    <iframe width="1280" height="720" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/vmNPOjaGrVE" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  7. Jumbo Shrimp

    Quick easy How to on Box Squatting

    Mark Bell does a good job here of going over the box squat. A great tool to add into your squat arsenal. Questions, please feel free to comment.
  8. drtbear1967

    How to Increase your Squat!

    For years we've known about the benefits of something called "post-activation potentiation." Get warmed up, then do a heavy, low-volume squat or deadlift. Afterward, do a jump or sprint. What happens? Explosive jumping and sprinting performance increases after the heavy lift. Put another way...
  9. drtbear1967

    Varity for Success not Injury

    Avoid Broken Paperclip - I often unfurl a large paper clip into a straight piece of wire and hold it up to a client's face. I'll then take the wire with both hands and repeatedly bend it back and forth in the same place while saying "front squat, front squat, front squat" until the paper clip...
  10. drtbear1967

    How to improve your squat.

    Lifters and athletes associate the hip thrust with glute development and horizontal force enhancement. But a recent study in the Journal of Sports Science shows that it's also effective at increasing your 1 rep max back squat. - The study recruited 20 male collegiate baseball players with an...
  11. W

    Need some help with back and biceps...anyone hve any ideas ?

    My front double bicep looks like shit. I was thinking...Squat 5x1, row 4 x..., deadlift 5x1, lat pulldown 5x...switching grips, curl 3x6. Powerlifting for squats and deadlifts because my numbers suck on both as I just recovered from a few injuries. Squat and deadlifts are base lifts for me. So I...
  12. Presser

    Beginners Guide to Squatting Proper. Barbell Squat Technique

    Beginners Guide to Squatting Proper. Barbell Squat Technique. Should a novice weight lifter Squat? Yes! If there is one constant across almost any sport, its that squatting is a must for core development. It not only is a back and legs developer, but rather it works your entire body! No other...
  13. drtbear1967

    Big Lifts to Get Stronger

    To get strong, pare your workouts down and focus on the big lifts. Ditch the variations. If you can't squat 315 for reps, you probably don't need to be doing reverse band safety-bar box squats with chains using eleventy billion pounds. It's quite possible that you need to perfect your squat...
  14. Iron Game

    Safety Squat Bar with Branch Warren

    Safety Squat Bar I’ve seen you use the safety squat bar in your DVDs, and I asked my gym owner if he would get one for our place. He started giving me excuses about budget and whatever, so I looked online and found one used for under $300. I am sure the shipping won’t be cheap. Obviously I would...
  15. Iron Game

    Successful Mass Building

    The 10 Commandments of Bodybuilding Success LIFT BIG - Give your muscles a reason to grow. Don't do endless sets, be intense. Go heavy, but don't remain much longer than an hour. Train 3-4 days a week. Hit failure and make that last set count. EAT BIG - You must eat to grow. For gaining...
  16. Iron Game

    Don't Train Like A Sissy!!

    Don’t Train Like a Sissy! I saw a great photo of Clint Eastwood on Facebook the other day with the quote, “I miss the ole days when everybody wasn’t such a pussy”. Although I’m not quite as old as Clint, I can relate to his brash opinion of the diminishing state of manhood when it comes to...
  17. drtbear1967

    How to Squat.

    <header class="entry-header">How to Squat <time class="entry-time" itemprop="datePublished" datetime="2017-06-21T10:26:58+00:00">June 21, 2017</time> by Nia Shanks </header>Everyone should train the squat movement, in some form. The squat movement is as functional as exercise can get. You...
  18. Iron Game

    Squat Rules with Tom Platz, The Golden Eagle!!

    Giant legs If you have been around the Iron Game for a while, there is one name that comes instantly to mind when people discuss leg training. That name is Tom Platz. “The Golden Eagle” is widely regarded as having the most massively muscular legs in the history of bodybuilding. His thighs...
  19. Iron Game

    Deadlift Training

    Deadlift “One must train the deadlift in a multiyear plan. An 8 or 12 week cycle won’t work. For example, it may take 6 months to raise your hamstrings up to acceptable levels.” Deadlift records have made little progress in recent years. I believe it is easy to add pounds to a squat or bench...
  20. Iron Game

    Kirk Karwoski - 800 lbs (363 kgs) x 5 Raw Squat

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/bQ17RiLbUCQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>