
  1. drtbear1967

    Mobility to increase gains.

    Mobility is critical to increasing strength and preventing injuries. Novices normally focus primarily on how many push-ups and pull-ups they can do. Their plan for increasing strength centers around the number of reps they perform. Advanced fitness enthusiasts, on the other hand, understand that...
  2. Iron Game

    Understanding Steroid (AAS) Site Injections

    by Mike Arnold The topic of steroid site injections is one of the most controversial in modern BB’ing, no doubt due to the recent proliferation of Synthol within the sport; a similar, although different approach to site enhancement. While not all advocate using AAS for site enhancement, it is...


    Can stretching really help to relieve trigger points? There is much debate about the potential of stretching to treat trigger points, and sadly there is too little research. What we do know from decades of combined experience, is that specific stretching exercises may help to dissipate trigger...
  4. Iron Game

    Eight Rules to Live by when Training with Anabolic Steroids

    Eight Rules to Live by when Training with Anabolic Steroids By Paul, SE I. Always Cycle off of AS for at least 6 weeks. The rule of thumb regarding how to cycle on and off of steroids is that one should cycle off of the AS for the same amount of time that they were on. Sometimes a goal...
  5. HackTwat

    Bodybuilding Plateaus: Stretching To Grow

    Stretching Through Plateaus <!-- AddThis Button BEGIN --> <!-- Facebook Like Button v1.9.6 BEGIN [] --> by Josh Hodnik You spend time preparing all of your meals, while others will decide to eat fast food. You are at the gym pushing through pain, while...
  6. big in vegas

    University of Calgary Research Suggests Long Warm-Ups Can Sabotage Race Performance

    University of Calgary Faculty of Kinesiology researcher Elias Tomaras says the idea came to him while watching track and field sprinters warm-up for a race. “If you watch sprinters, short distance speed skaters or cyclists before their race, they will often warm-up for one to two hours...