18yrs old. wanna start cycle

dude, you need to wait. Starting gear at such a young age is a huge mistake. You hormones will be fucked up from this point on.
but did arnold start at like 15...and so did many other ppl.

not to be saying "o he did it, now i wanna do it..."

what if i wanna compete at a young age, not at 25 when everyones juiced up
i started when i was 16. It was mistake. Im telling you.

Your at the peak of your bodies abilities. Take advantage of it. Spend the next 3 years, focus on nutrition and training. IF you do this, you will be light years ahead of all the kids starting cycles at 18.

your at your peak- dont fuck it up.
i didnt start until i was in my 20's bro

youd be surprised how much gains you would make with proper diet and normal supps

if you think taking "steroids" is the easy way out your wrong. without proper diet, training, rest, etc... everything would be a waste
why dnt you start by telling us your current diet and training sced bro
How many times will people have to tell you to wait before it sinks in? Starting steroids at such a young age is unwise. You really need to grow and mature a little to realize your natural potential and the ramifications of using pharmacology to further your physique. BTW, 25 is a young age. You think 25 is old?
its not worth it. You would burn out, just like everyone else does. Its happens all the time. Thats why everyone is telling you the same thing.
well what if i wanna start competeing at a young age?

No offense, but you have a long way to go before you can even consider stepping on stage. It takes a high level of commitment and a long term plan(and a lot of money) to compete these days.
Unless you have a sugar mama to help you, you need to focus on growing using your natural abilities.
I started competing when I was 17 years old ..I did 3 shows totally clean before I did anything...I competed at 166lbs at 17 yrs old...and at 18 I was 174lbs and 172lbs on stage...then at 19yrs old..I did my first cycle it was sust. amp's..(durateston from S.A) with 1 A50 tab per day (syntex, the real shit) and blew up...I did that for 8 weeks...went from an offseason weight of 190lbs to 230lbs (alot of water, and some fat) lost about 15lbs of that...but hell still up to 215lbs...did one more cycle like that again..for 8 weeks... got up to 235lbs this time...lost 15lbs again post cycle (didnt know a thing about PCT) still up to 220lbs...Then dieted down to 193lbs for my first show at 19yrs old..won the whole thing...Teen/mens open, ect...It was pretty cool...But really I shouldve waited until I was aleast early twenty's...I mean I probably lost out on alot of natural growth...So, I would wait if you can...I think in the long run you will regret starting so young...Look at me, I started at 19 yrs old have done them for close to twenty years now...and I have high blood pressure, that I fight every day...I have had cardiomapothy, from tren E...my heart doenst function at a normal rate anymore...honeslty I never abused the gear (not until the last year, not not according to other guys though) but just the length of time being on this much has done damage...Its not something to take lightly
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How many times will people have to tell you to wait before it sinks in?

Compete?! Come on kid. Do what you're going to do and stop posting useless threads. A month ago you were dying to look like "The Situation". Besides, you already posted this. Remember "Teen Juiced Up".
okay well ill post my diet/training and so on...

im currently on a clean bulk, got off my cut in april. seen good results since then.
currently am on SizeOn, i gained 10lbs off just 1tub/1month (much better than creatine MONO) also on a NO2 booster called PlasmaJet by Gaspari Nutrition. and a weightgainer, i also keep whey in the closet all the time. i usually dont buy weightgainers, i just eat alot.

diet/nutrition: after my cut, i learned alot from nutrition. before i did a dirty bulk now its clean.
i eat a meal when i digested the previous meal lol like every 2 hours or so. whenever im hungry i eat.
LOTS OF CHICKEN, pasta, different types of fish, meat, brown rice, sandwhich with sliced chicken,turkey,ham.
havent drank soda in a couple years, its all about green tea and water.

i dont count calories but i easily past 2500. im gaining weight, seeing results...this whole 1 muscle group a week thing is just taking too long. imma guy that doesnt have patience (as you can tell with all my supplements)

heres my split:
Monday:ARMS(want to prioritize everything other than chest)
wednesday: off
weekend: off

should i post routine as well?

if anything how bout IGF? (bro which is 22 is on it)
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i'm done telling people to wait til their older to start.....if you honestly and i mean honestly want to be a pro bodybuilder as a career then do it....but please understand what that involves.....it involves a 5-7 year window of financial opportunity and that's it.....now to get there you're gonna break more laws than you know of....from importing to distribution, to possibly prostitution and other gay shit like posing nude for dudes just to pay your bills (if you even choose to pay your bills during that time.....most high level bodybuilders don't and are bankrupt every other week)...let's see what else, health issues much younger, bad joints earlier, sexual disfunction at an early age ......anyway that being said.....NO DBOL IS NOT BEST FOR A FIRST CYCLE OR ANY CYCLE BY ITSELF......right now since your natural test levels are still pretty high because of your age you could get by with a very low level dose of test (250-500mg a week) and nolvadex for pct......but in my honest opinion you've had several of these threads started on this board and you don't seem to listen anyway.....i don't think you're physically and definitely not mentally mature enough to take on these responsibilities that come with the aas lifestyle.......
i'm done telling people to wait til their older to start.....if you honestly and i mean honestly want to be a pro bodybuilder as a career then do it....but please understand what that involves.....it involves a 5-7 year window of financial opportunity and that's it.....now to get there you're gonna break more laws than you know of....from importing to distribution, to possibly prostitution and other gay shit like posing nude for dudes just to pay your bills (if you even choose to pay your bills during that time.....most high level bodybuilders don't and are bankrupt every other week)...let's see what else, health issues much younger, bad joints earlier, sexual disfunction at an early age ......anyway that being said.....NO DBOL IS NOT BEST FOR A FIRST CYCLE OR ANY CYCLE BY ITSELF......right now since your natural test levels are still pretty high because of your age you could get by with a very low level dose of test (250-500mg a week) and nolvadex for pct......but in my honest opinion you've had several of these threads started on this board and you don't seem to listen anyway.....i don't think you're physically and definitely not mentally mature enough to take on these responsibilities that come with the aas lifestyle.......

hmmmm i saw a bottle of test at one of my friends house...but hes not big, just strong
not trying to bust your ball bro, but i dont think anyone on this whole site would recommend you doing a cycle. By your last couple posts it seems your just looking to get "on" anything. Do some research, for a long time, and then in the meatime, lift and eat daily. Repeat those steps for 2-3 years, then re-evaluate. You will be in a better position both mentally and physically then, and will be able to make a smart decision about a serious commitment like aas. Hope this helps
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i think this has to be some kind of prank its like hes not reading and paying attention to all this advice? 18 is way too young man your test levels are thru the roof right now