4 I.U hgh generic blue tops daily mixed with igf


Staff member
My fingers are swollen as hell daily, and tingle, is this normal, its only been a week. Does anyone know if mixing hgh and igf does this so fast into using it?
exactly, wtf??? this cant be from hgh though??, im wondering if me mixing igf is doing it? and yes my hands ache as well. well atleast we know its good i guess, thnx agin brutha,lol, now i need to get more before its gone, anyone wanna go halfs on 600 i.us
It's the gh bro. Try going down to 2iu a day for a week or two then working up gradually to 3 then 4. The swelling is mostly water retention that is very common. I ran gh for 2 years straight. Started at 1 iu a day and by the end I was at 6 iu a day (2iu at 3x a day) on non training days and 10 iu pwo with igf on training days. The standard protocol is to the the gh shot immediately pwo then igf 20-30 minutes later followed by your pwo shake.
Im glad im not the only one noticing obvious FAST sides and effects. I had to lower down to 2 i.u. Like ecw says........This does help to confirm some really potent stuff......Nothing like I experience with jino's ( Almost nothing ). Now im hearing from many that blue's and hyge's are giving rapid results. My close friend finally started his a week ago and called me last night saying the same things we are and he's been using jino's for the last 2 years and now blown away from the new stuff's fast reaction.

Shit I cant close my hand to make a fist........it's alomost crazy since we all hear it takes 6 months to get somethin from GH. Not anymore it seems.
Bro - These are normal sides for HGH and it also means you've got the real deal.

Congratulations :)

You might want to add a little T3 to the mix ;) to help your natural conversion to IGF :)

Ramp up and down as usual.
Yeah but its so affordable these days..

I haven't seen a friend of mine in 2 weeks since I started and he couldn't believe the difference in such a short period. The problem is that none of my clothes fit now.

I know its soon for that quick of a body change, but I can't say there is any other reason, except that my appetite has increased and I am eating everything. If this keeps up in 3 months I will be enormous.

I do have the swollen hands, and today I noticed aches in my feet too, but I am not dropping dose, I am going to ride it out, my gains are too good at this time.

I wonder if my GH levels were very low naturally and now that they are resuming or higher, things are falling into place...

All I can say so far is this is the most phenomenal gains I have ever seen in such a short period!! Psychological or not. My strength is so high that I actually am nervous I might hurt myself.
Awesome bro! Im happy for ya! What are your doses again?
Take my word bro, lower the dose and step it gradually. Can't be in rush with gh, it doesn't work that way. The sides are unnecessary if you follow the correct protocol. If you insist on that amount, split it up 2iu am and 2iu pwo, preferably 6-8 hours later.
h8tred...4iu @1x per day...

Actually today my hands and feet were so swollen I had to buy an OTC diuretic and take some ibuprofen...WOW, Press I didn't realize how painful it can get, but again, I hear you can take a diuretic throughout and combat the hand and feet pain...

Do your feet hurt in general or have you had pain in the arch like me.......It's a pretty bad pain ( although gone now ) and felt like my foot wanted to bend the arch more and break it.lol
Damn, I am so fucking jealous right now. I hope I get mine soon.

Last I asked some members about HGH they said "dont waste your money you wont see anything significant for six months and most of that will be just from being leaner....."
They must be non-responders then. Some people respond very well to HGH as you can see from this thread. I am also one who responds well. HGH is one of the main reasons I've never dropped below 200, even when I've had very bad colds. I've been on a week and a half now that I finally got mine, and I can say I can fucking feel myself growing. I even look better than I ever have.