AAS: What to Expect


MuscleChemistry Member
[font=&quot]What AAS WILL NOT do :[/font][font=&quot]

1. It will not, after one cycle, make you the hottest thing in a bikini. It will not make you Monica Brant, Jill Mills, Lenda Murray, or any fitness model.

2. It will not burn fat. It won’t now, nor will it ever.

3. It will not lean you out, nor cut you up.

4. It will NOT TONE you -- and please remove the word "tone" from your vocabulary if you are serious about fitness.

So what WILL it do? (for most women)

1. Add a modest amount of strength.

Build some muscle - overall muscle size as opposed to defined muscle. It will take more than 1 or 2 or even 3 cycles before you get to your desired goal -- perhaps not even to your goal. You may never reach your goal.

3. AAS will cause a positive change to your body however unlikely to be a permanent change without follow-up cycling or incredibly stringent dieting and training. Meaning that once your cycle is over, by and large after your body releases the chemicals and cleanses itself, it will indeed bring your body back somewhat to its previous state. YOU WILL retain some muscle (called keepable gains) if you were eating well all along before, during and after your cycle and continue to do so, but the lasting hardness and loss of estrogenic fat will return. Your body composition will become more soft (this does not mean fat) after the cycle is over.

4. AAS will probably cause you to become even MORE critical of how you look and therefore be less satisfied with what you see in the mirror. It is a mind game for sure and some people (men and women) become mentally addicted to it.

AAS can be a useful tool in pushing through a muscle building plateau but only if every other avenue has been exhausted. It is by no means a quick fix or even a guarantee. For hard gainers who naturally can push more weight than most women but have a hard time putting on muscle, AAS can help.

If you cannot get your hands on one of these and therefore you decide that what you can get will be good enough….PLEASE reconsider. You cannot afford to play those games. If you cannot afford a cycle of "xyz", then put off your cycle until you can. I cannot stress this enough. Additionally, just because you do not see sides, does not mean you are NOT making progress and does not mean you need to bump your dose up. Your first cycle is a test. Be modest, be prudent. Slower is better – especially when you are talking about IRREVERSIBLE side effects. Trust me, if you don't heed this advice, you will be sorry.

In addition to affording the proper AAS for women, you need to have the time to devote the time necessary to shopping and prepping your meals (not to mention the cost involved in this as well). AAS will be useless without a clean diet and smart training program. Oh, and plenty of rest! AAS will not do the job for you – you have to WORK to get results.

First time cycle suggested compounds, as seen in my previous posts on first time gear usage:

1. Anavar (often faked). Typically thought to be the mildest AAS, good for cutting. It is taken orally.
2. Primo (the most faked AAS to date). The tabs are THE most faked, the intramuscular is often faked.

In some cases:

3. Winstrol - however, this is a love it or hate it AAS. It tends to react with tons of sides for some women (me being one of them, unfortunately) and none for others. While some women do well on it - it is typically not the first choice for a first cycle. It can be taken orally or intramuscularly.

4. Testosterone Propinate. Not usually a good choice for beginners, but compound is very fast acting. Can be used as first time AAS IF user is a VERY experienced lifter.
It is great having N VS on board, she tells it like it is. By far, I have gone through many cycles to change my body and I am pleased with my results. It is a breaking point in every female bb life to cross over when diet and training have maxed results and it is always a risk. It can enhance a physique in many ways but with careful attention with diet and training.