anavar - proviron - trenbolone


New member

I'm just wondering, I was supposed to start my 90day cycle of 50mg proviron and anavar ED a while ago. Beause of sudden money problems, it seems like I have to wait another week or two.

Please do not discuss anything about money or anything here. The plan is ready, I'm going on var/prov cycle definelately.

I have fina here, but I will not touch it, because it really shuts me down. I feel bad when I go off a fina cycle and my libido sucks.

I'm so a anxious to start my cycle, so I'm just wondering if there is any reason for doing fina for just two weeks. Or will this just shut me down just as much as a full cycle, and bi-effects will be bigger than positive effects ?

If you dont think two weeks of fina will hurt me to much, I will run like this.

1-2 75mg fina ED
3-10 50mg proviron ED
3-10 50mg anavar ED

If not, I will just have to wait.

I have to feel like I'm on cycle by the 1. of July, I will start on my anavar/proviron cycle by the 15 of June.

well since there isnt any test in your cycle i dont se any real reason to wait to start the fina, if it shuts you down alone i think it will shut ya down just as bad also if ur only stacking it with var and proviron, so i say go for it
i wouldnt touch anything unless i found some form of test........even if you get a slow ester use it and start the other stuff a few weeks into the should also help with libido issues too.....dont start proviron/tren/anavar until test kicks in for full benefit
It sounds like u just want to be on something while u wait for the $ or whatever to start the var and such. That's a bad reason to take it and tren for 2 weeks is worthless IMO.
It sounds like u just want to be on something while u wait for the $ or whatever to start the var and such. That's a bad reason to take it and tren for 2 weeks is worthless IMO.

old advice but still solid,lmao