Animal's house raided

Lakeville man charged in 'date rape' drug probe

David Chanen and Tom Ford

Star Tribune

Published Sep 20, 2002

A Lakeville man was charged Thursday and eight other people were arrested in Minnesota and South Dakota as part of a federal crackdown on Internet trafficking of the "date rape" drug GHB and related chemicals.

More than 30 gallons of a chemical that converts quickly to GHB when it is ingested were found Wednesday in the Lakeville home of Doug S. Beck, according to charges filed in federal court in Minneapolis. Lakeville Police Chief Dave Martens said he had been told by federal authorities that it was one of the more significant seizures in the sweep this week across the country and Canada.

Asa Hutchinson, chief of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), which coordinated the national operation, said dealers marketed the drugs in nearly every state and in several other countries. In the past couple of days, authorities arrested 115 people in 84 cities in the United States and Canada and seized enough chemicals to produce 25 million doses of GHB.

A gallon of GHB can produce more than 7,500 doses, said Skip Van Patten, head of the DEA region that covers Minnesota.

Inspector Sue Matt of the U.S. Postal Service's field office in St. Paul said more than 35 gallons of GBL and 1,4 Butanediol (BD), substances which when ingested convert to GHB, were seized in searches within her district, which covers Minnesota, the Dakotas and western Wisconsin.

She wouldn't identify in which cities law enforcement officers found the chemicals or where the eight people were arrested.

"GHB is the hot drug of the moment," she said. "That's why this operation was so successful, because a lot of people want this stuff. We anticipate more arrests."

Beck, 36, who has coached in metro-area schools and is also known as "Animal," wasn't among those arrested but has been charged.

A confidential informant said Beck was making $40,000 a month selling illegal substances and steroids over the Internet, the complaint said.

Operation Webslinger

"Our campuses, our neighborhoods and our communities are safer places for young women today because cyberspace just got more dangerous for drug traffickers," said Attorney General John Ashcroft.

Dubbed Operation Webslinger, the two-year investigation targeted leaders and midlevel brokers of Internet drug-trafficking rings who operated Web sites that advertised GHB and its derivatives as industrial cleaning products. Online orders were delivered by mail. This was the first federal investigation of Internet traffickers of GHB.

Under federal law, people can be prosecuted if they sell GHB-related drugs for human consumption. GHB and its derivatives are depressants that can cause nausea and dizziness and, at higher doses, seizures and unconsciousness. When used to aid in sexual assaults, the drug keeps victims from fending off attackers and impairs victims' memories, hindering prosecutions.

The DEA has documented 72 deaths from GHB and its derivatives. Hutchinson said at least one of those deaths can be attributed to drugs sold by the people recently arrested.

Investigators seized more than $1 million in cash and property from four primary investigations involving St. Louis, Detroit, San Diego, Mobile, Ala., Buffalo, N.Y., Sparta, Tenn., and Quebec City, Canada.

In April 2000, local authorities searched Beck's home in the 10500 block of W. 166th St. and found 2.5 gallons of BD, but he wasn't charged with a crime. A year ago, a special agent with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration logged on to the Web site and went to its classified section. This led to another site, and the agent learned how to order BD from Beck, the complaint said. In January, the agent bought 500 milliliters of BD for $145, which was mailed to him within a week, the complaint said.

It alleges that Beck has been selling BD for two years and that he sells it to bodybuilders for human consumption.

Beck worked in the Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan School District from 1996 to 2000, said Tony Taschner, a district spokesman. He was the gymnastics coach at Rosemount Middle School and an assistant gymnastics coach at Rosemount High School during the 1996-97 school year. From 1997 to 2000 he was an assistant gymnastics coach at East View High School in Apple Valley, Taschner said.

"His coaching assignment wasn't renewed," he said, and added that he didn't know why it wasn't. Taschner wouldn't comment about whether there had been any complaints against or problems with Beck.

He also worked briefly as an assistant coach at Bloomington Kennedy High School for one year about a decade ago, said Bloomington Superintendent Gary Prest.

Lyle Kuehn, 55, who lives two doors west of Beck, said that he and several neighbors would see delivery trucks outside Beck's house almost daily.

He said Beck's wife and two children left him about four months ago, adding that he "wasn't surprised" by Thursday's raid. Kuehn said Beck has "pretty much kept to himself, especially after the last raid two years ago."

-- Kavita Kumar and Terry Collins contributed to this report.

-- David Chanen is at [email protected].

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That sucks I guess no more finakits from animal! He was almost asking for it taunting them the way he did! He basically made them look like fools and I always said they would want to bust him!
I've always heard about him but had no idea he was engaging in illegal activities....I thought he just made fina kits and sold empty vials and shit like that........guess not.
As posted By Animal himself

Guess \i've now made the national news, too as that was my house on there after |John aschroft made his little speech.

Guess what people and remember because \i/we have them on tape saying that everything \i had in 2000 was legal! Nothing has changed!
Yes, \i had some GBL which is/was in the laundry room used to clean clothes or crayon marks or bikes parts and the like.

\i've have not and do not sell GBL or 1,4 which is the amazing part that they would show up at all, but you all on here know \i've provoked them to no end, but that's the price \i've chosen to pay and now my door is kicked in.
Things will get back to normal and as before, it will work out. The IRS, was there, too, but again you all can see that having them visit you 2x in 2 years would make it impossible to make any money at all! #

Great, now my hobby is destroyed and \i have to start over again.

What the locals saw and told me about was they say a huge black drum in the garage being rolled out. \i couldn't figure out what the hell that was, then \i realized that \i got the survivalist freak out and bought 40 gallons of gasoline and had them stored in plastic containers that weren't exactly for gas and they turned brown! That's what they were loading.

Then they showed a spaceman sampling a 'white powder' from a white bag and that was MALTODEXTRIN!

Who knows what they took and \i guess my guns are gone even though they have filed no charges. \one of the elves got a visit and he kept asking for a lawyer and they took his CC records and they asked who his 'boss' was and 'his bosses'. They told him they only wanted me and my bosses and he asked them what they were there for.

The DEA and postmaster said, 'We have those 17 boxes you tried to mail!' BAHAHAHA! There were kits and only in there and it seems my magic solution has perplexed them once again.

There is no police tape around my house and my dad has been in and says they have 'my books' as in ones you read laid out all over. The place was rather empty because \i was getting ready to sell the house. \nevertheless, there doesn't seem to be an search warrant copy or list of things taken and the elf that was briefly retained said they left him no documentation!

WEL;COME TO THE THIRD REICH AND I TOLD YOU IT WAS COMING AND WE ARE IN A POLICE STATE! No charges filed on me and \i'm out of the country and the wife isn't too happy though she was out of the area, anyhow, hmmm, maybe we were getting a divorce?

Anyhow, \i don't know when \i'm coming back to the US as \i dojn't trust them and don't need to be arrested under some terrorist patriot act and taken down to cuba or never heard of again because they fucked up and don't like it.

All in all, \i will be quite wealthy with this second batch of harrassment and nothing illegal being found. The GBL that was there was there the first time and hadn't been touched and is over 5 years old and they said it was legal on TV!

Hmmmm, so they kick my door down when they never made a buy or anything? Hmmmm./

Anyhow, \i'm looking to staying over in manchester and then possibly flying to canada until \i see what my lawyer has to say about all this. If nothing else, \i';m a political prisoner being persecuted and not even charged!

\i'm looking for a place to stay in manchester england and then in somewhere in canada like montreal if somebody could put me up for a few days! \originally my flight was going into chicago, but no fucking way and \i'm getting off a plane there unless \i have some guarantee that \i won't disappear with my passport being flagged as it already is.

\i have a points race tonight and hopefully will kick some ass!
has he done anything illegal??? he says no--so lets wait and see---we definitely don't need to convict him so lets keep the posts postive not negative---otherwise we are all hypocrites--he's innocent in my book-till proven otherwise--and some of us know that he might be innocent even then!