Anyone know much about toridol


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
I know its an antiinflammatory but past that I don't know much. I strained my back doing front lateral raises and my wife works at a doc's office so... I got a toridol shot. I posted that I got sick all of a sudden yesterday and as I was typing this thought about whether it may be from this stuff. Anyone had this before?
I know its an antiinflammatory but past that I don't know much. I strained my back doing front lateral raises and my wife works at a doc's office so... I got a toridol shot. I posted that I got sick all of a sudden yesterday and as I was typing this thought about whether it may be from this stuff. Anyone had this before?

I am pretty certain every type of anti-inflammatory I have ever taken has always stated the nausea was the main side effect, so that combined with your jumping 750grams of test could be the right combination for how your feeling brutha
I was given it once with Morphine. Morphine by itself did not help kill the particular pain I had, when I was given Toridol combined with the Mprphone my pain went away and I was good to go. It worked well on me.
I used to get shots of it before football games and never felt nausea but I believe that is a "possible" side effect.
I was given it once with Morphine. Morphine by itself did not help kill the particular pain I had, when I was given Toridol combined with the Mprphone my pain went away and I was good to go. It worked well on me.

morphine didnt help, wow, i thought morphine was for people who were dying to kill the pain
toradol or "ketorolac" is usually used for mild pain or inflammation because it is considered a non narcotic. few people will feel nausea from it, "from what ive seen", but for muscle strains it usually does the trick. flexeril or norflex or some type of muscle relaxant will usually help with the combo of toradol.
Toradol is actually a derivative of ibuprofen so if you are allergic to ibuprofen, you could likely get a reaction from toradol. My wife gets those shots for menstrual migraines and in fact just got one on Wednesday from the doc at the instacare. One of the sides is nausea so I'm pretty sure it was from the shot.