Anything better than clomid

for??? gettin the boys workin or a type of anti e,pct..there are tons of things better then clomid in reference to your open ended question,like bubbles and whiskey
the problem i have found with clomid (for me) is that it makes me depressed,acne is unreal and i just really feel overall horrible this pct i am going with hcg and nolva
irishpride said:
the problem i have found with clomid (for me) is that it makes me depressed,acne is unreal and i just really feel overall horrible this pct i am going with hcg and nolva

Yeah, I agree, HCG and nolva. I just did HCG and clomid, and had the biggest most painful acne, and I was so emotional. I sat up late at night one night with my girlfriend, and we cried in each others arms while watching "Waiting to Exhale". It was pitiful!! I had a zit in my earlobe and that bitch HURT!!!

The part about the crying and the movie was a joke.............bitches!! LMAO!!
Cannons said:
Yeah, I agree, HCG and nolva. I just did HCG and clomid, and had the biggest most painful acne, and I was so emotional. I sat up late at night one night with my girlfriend, and we cried in each others arms while watching "Waiting to Exhale". It was pitiful!! I had a zit in my earlobe and that bitch HURT!!!

The part about the crying and the movie was a joke.............bitches!! LMAO!!
yeah dafonz said you kept cryin like a bitch...
i go on long cycles and a pct with nolvadex in it has never had a problem restarting me up.
wks 1 40mgs ed
wks 2 30mgs ed
wks 3 20mgs ed