Asking questions


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
I am new and found out the hard why what not to ask in the forums. Through my ignorance I never read the rules and posted something that I was not supposed to. Thankfully there are some awesome people on this site that pointed me back in the right direction as nicely as possible. I am now weary of what questions to ask. If someone could please tell me if I am able to ask about the reputation of a company that might or might not be selling something illegal with out clarifying what exactly I am going to be purchasing from this company. Just would like to find out the legitimacy of a company before doing business. Again, I am sorry if I have worded my question improperly. I just want to make sure I do not do something wrong again and get banned from the site. Thank you for your time. All information is greatly appreciated.
You can ask about any brands of steroids, and any type of steroids, only thing you can NOT do is ask where to buy steroids, everything else is fine bro
if u wana learn about a specific company you have to do your own research.. it is grueling and takes time but worth it int he end if u did it right.. .but as for your question know do not bring up a brand or ur likely to get banned bud
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bro ask away..need help with a lab you are unsure of, or a brand you might be thinking is selling bunk gear..need to know if a compnay is GTG..its all good as presser says just dont ask where to buy stuff....he is the dady around here so what he says go's (even in the speedo's):moon:.. we are all learning it just a big curve..if we dont share we will never know..and we are happy to help as much as we can around here..:thumbsup:
Of course, My humor is witty and when I give advice you have to read my post a few times to get what I'm trying to articulate. You all know if I don't know I say I don't know, but I'm a plethora of knowledge.

D12hazz-thanks for taking the time to read the rules and of course you can ask all the questions you wish, within reason of course bro and according to the Boss's rules. I will be glad to help in any way I can.
Plethora of knowledge. I love that. Need to write that down. Lol.

And i knew you was just messing with the new guy as soon as i read it.