b12 question


New member
whats up, i was just wondering how much b12 to inject and also what size needle to use and where to inject. trying to get my appetite up and want to try this. also what is the website to buy the b12. i see the [email protected] address but where do i go from there?
Injectable B-12 FAQ ...written By Bigjay

Injectable Vitamin B-12 FAQ

Q. Does supplementing with non-injectable B-12 give you the same effects?

A. To simply answer this question, the answer is no. Your GI tract will destroy more than 90% of vitamin b-12 when you take it orally. When you inject gets absorbed differently.

Q. Is injectable B-12 legal?

A. You may buy it over the net legally, but it is difficult to walk into a pharmacy and pick it up. Here, in North America it is legal. It is also easy to get in Canada

Q. What benefits do I have when taking B-12?

A. Vitamin B-12 is known to increase RBC (red blood cells.) It is also known to dramatically increase appetite and energy. Some people may not notice the appetite affects as well as others.

Q. Who should use B-12?

A. Anyone can use B-12. But with Injectables I would advise someone be 18 years of age or older. But of course, 21 years of age or older when using other substances such as steroids

Q. Where is B-12 found?

A. B-12 is found in virtually everything you consume on a daily basis. The B-12 in the food you consume is not equivalent to the B-12 you would inject, the food you consume is smaller than the injects.

Q. How many Cubic Centimeters (CC’s) should I take weekly?

A. Any amount you desire. No more than 7cc’s (7,000mgs) a week. Some people take ½ cc or 1cc a week some take 5-7. Try to do two weeks on, than two weeks off, and so on.

Q. Can you overdose on B-12 if it’s water-soluble?

A. I’m sure you could but you would have to try …..hard…..10cc + daily

Q. how quickly will one notice the energy and appetite?

A. The energy may show up three days to a week. The appetite will show up about the second week, but of course, this depends on the person.

Q.For someone just using injectable b-12, can any sort of increased muscle mass/strength be expected?

A. I have been using it for a while now. I have noticed a little bit of mass, but it is probably from the increase in appetite. Strength is not any higher, nor is it lower. There are no studies stating increased strength/mass. But b12 is needed for cell division and tissue growth

Q. Does it hurt?
A. No, not compared to anything else you can inject. Of course it all depends on your pain threshold too. B12 it often used to cut painful injectables ..(prop….)

Q.Can you stack? Is there a problem with taking it while on a cycle?

A. There is no problem "stacking" it . It may be mixed with water or oil based injectables.

Q. CanB12 can be injected with slin pins, correct?

A. Yes
inject under the skin next to the bellybutton for Sub Q. Pinch a little fat after you swab the area with alcohol and insert the needle between your fingers. Pinch gently. Or you can use it in your gear or just use it as an IM injection by itself in any site you choose. I personally use a Sub Q injection but to each his or her own.
help with placing order

I got back my response from the buyb12@getresponse link but when i click on the secure link in the email i get an error saying the paypal acct is an error or something like that. how do i get around this? help would be appreciated. thanks