
Thanks Rick,,,yea I am young and haven't been in the sport for too long.  I am very dedicated though and look forward seeing my progress as the years pass.
Looking good bro. One suggestion. When you are doing a bicep pose, get your arms up to shoulder level, or a little higher (so the peak of your bicep is slightly higher than your shoulder), this will show the actual size of your arms.  When you have you arms lower than your shoulders, your arms appear flatter and smaller than they really are, because of the size of your shoulders.  It also brings the crease between your chest and arms into the picture, shows your lats a little more and brings out the striatus muscles more. This makes your entire upper body appear a little bigger.  Just thought I would mention that, LOL. My bicep pose wasn't that great, but the good ones were blurry (along with my back, 3/4 back, leg and tricep poses).  Next time I am using 200 instead of 400 speed film so Dez can't mess up my pics again, LOL.  Keep up the good work, you have a great base to build on!!! Later
Even from your pics that you claim to be bad ones Napalm, I find your poses look excellent.  You definitely know what you are doing.  Thanks for the compliment and tips.  I welcome any tips anyone has.  I haven't been into bodybuilding for as long as most of you(as I am sure you can see). I actually used to be a comptetitive swimmer and am changing my physique over from a swimming one to a bodybuilding one(if i can ever get there,,,lol).  If you saw what I used to look like these pics are a major accomplishment.  I'll have to keep those tips in mind as I build upon the base I presently have so that my future poses look better along with my physique.  I'll continue to post pics as the months/years pass so that my progress can be seen.
Why don't u put pics up bigbadwolf since you are so big and bad!  I know you must be pretty lean with all that fast food you put down!!! HAHAHA.  You can't diet for shit!!!  I wonder about you seeing as you have replied to my pics three times already you big fag,,,you must come check them out everyday no doubt.  Why don't you reply some more too?,,,cuz everyone knows you are looking at them daily.  p.s.,,,,I'm kicking your ass next time i see you!

<!--EDIT|bigjosh|April 29 2002,9:54-->