Celebrex and arthrtic pains - Alternative please!


New member
Hey Guys,
A very good friend of mine is a compettivie 50+ year old bodybuilder. Orthopedics gave him Celebrex for his knee and lower back pain. Says hes got slight arthritic problems and bone dengeration. As always '' We can do anything more for you Sir'' is what they said. The Celebrex has put his b.p. out of whack . It had always been 110/70 and now its 145 plus! This is insane. I recommended that he takes Glucosamine and MSM ( Methyl Sulphate Methane) togehter. It is working a bit but the docs want to put him back on the celebrex. my concern is that this high b.p.its inducing is not a good sign at all and then Im sure it will cause many other side effects. He is recommended to take another PILL to counter the high b.p.

Any suggestions for an alternative gentlemen!
Maybe upping the MSM and glucosamine doage? Thanks alot

i have used celebrex and loved it, now it's off the market kinda sux....i use this shit called mobic and it seems to help alot....give it a try
I've used vioxx and celebrex. Both seemed to do little for back and joint pain. Maybe it's better for strictly arthritic conditions.
do you have the same problems when your on cycle.....dpending on the compound of course, but i have little if any pain at all when running test...deca...and EQ as well. Winstol dries me out bad, i get severe joint pain when running it. I had some kind of silicon injection for my knee, i dont know what the substance truely was but the doctor described it as a silicon like material that acts in place of the cartilage
Big Nick!
You hit it on the head. While on cycle, NO PAINS AT ALL. NONE whatsoever. I was told maybe to go back on 200 mg of Deca a week..
Never heard of those silicon injections you mentioned.. Im interested. Can you tell me more. This is degenerative cartilage problem I been told I have..

By the way, awesome avatar!