Chemical muscle enhancement

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Wait til you see my videos ! I'm working out naked on my new bench. ! Shits sexy lol you can find all my naked workout videos on Cock Gobster lol (God I hope that's not a real gay site, lol, won't look good for me if it is lol) but they're giving away free crabs at Cock Gobster . I don't know what ails me
Lol ok you win! Your right and I'm wrong! The sun is blue, clouds are made of cotton candy and storks make babies! Lol I give up ! Lol

WTF!!! Always has to be that one.... No one here is a "know-it-all". Most of us are very quick to relay that our opinions are not just regurgitated info copy and pasted from "wherever land". Most are speaking from their own personal experience with said compounds whether its AAS or Peptides; or ancillaries for PCT.

Gotta love ya Presser!!!
Lol it's all good, nothing wrong with agreeing to disagree, no pissing contest on my end , it's all good! I just don't think this is one of those things where it's ok to agree to disagree but to each his own ! No biggy
Hi presser, now that I can use google translator, I will try to explain better:
Unfortunately, I was wrong to ask the question and I apologize, because I wanted to ask what you thought of balkan pharma, and other like pharmagear and no where u buy, which unfortunately I have written.
I'm sorry to have made this mistake and I hope that the "banned" is not definitive.
Thank you for the space allotted.
(This is traslate with google, sorry again).
WTF!!! Always has to be that one.... No one here is a "know-it-all". Most of us are very quick to relay that our opinions are not just regurgitated info copy and pasted from "wherever land". Most are speaking from their own personal experience with said compounds whether its AAS or Peptides; or ancillaries for PCT.

Gotta love ya Presser!!!

I know that I have person experience with EVERYTHING I talk about. If I dont then I don't comment. Youll never hear me talk about peps, or slin or hgh cause I've never used them. I only talk about what I have experience with. I am not the only one that feels this way... I would take skip hills opinion on this also and its the same as mine. I don't think pct is usually dangerous or anything... I just NEVER advocate taking a substance cause "ya MAY need it".
I have not been rude or insulting at all. I just do NOT agree.

Thedunhill225 lives!!!
I know that I have person experience with EVERYTHING I talk about. If I dont then I don't comment. Youll never hear me talk about peps, or slin or hgh cause I've never used them. I only talk about what I have experience with. I am not the only one that feels this way... I would take skip hills opinion on this also and its the same as mine. I don't think pct is usually dangerous or anything... I just NEVER advocate taking a substance cause "ya MAY need it".
I have not been rude or insulting at all. I just do NOT agree.

Thedunhill225 lives!!!

No offense taken and None was meant on my end either Brutha. Only way to know is to do it. We're all good man. We're all Brothers here. Hell, I never come off completely anymore now cause I'm on TRT so my PCT experience is a little old, but I do work in a lab and work with a ton of Endocrinology specimens. Even with that, This old boy is never a know all kind of guy.
Its all good. I love a good debate. If we all agree on everything, we would be bored out of our
Peace kiwidad ;)
its science brutha, lol, and no most dont lose cause how they train, they lose their gains because they didnt take proper precautions with their pct or during their cycle. When your Natural testosterone is shut down and your nuts are the size of raisins, you wanna get on some pct meds, the sooner you get ur natty test back the better, thats not even debatable bro, and im not here to argue with ya, if you choose to cycle and not use pct thats fine with me, but this guys new to all this stuff and yes proper post cycle therapy is a must to bring your natural test back up faster thus preventing as much loss of gains as possible, its just science brutha, FSH , and LH hormones, getting your nitrogen balance back in check, i mean theirs a list of reasons why its a must or at the very least much more beneficial then just doing nothing and stressing your body longer then need be to get its natural functions back up and running all the while your body and hormones are out of whack.

Im not one to come off like a know it all, and im pretty sure most guys here would agree with that statement, but to suggest to a newbie to steroids, he doesnt need to bother with pct meds is simply wrong, and again i dont even think its debatable....yet here I am, which amazes me in this day and age of information.

^^Very true

If someone can not understand this they are not ready for AAS
Welcome Brother. I believe like many others here and almost every board you can ask this question on. Test is your basis for your first cycle and Test alone. Testosterone is the King from which almost every compound is sired/derived. Including Deca.
There are a high percentage of folk who get a nasty side effect from Deca loosely termed "Deca Dick". It renders you limp and flaccid. Unable to perform even though your horny as hell. Plus, Deca has such a long ester attatched to it that it'll take a couple of weeks to return to normal.
I am speaking from using it. Not just what I read. I remember thinking that it was a small percentage that got that shit. I'd be fine. WRONG!!!

I had to drop the Deca and double my Test...... AND IT STILL TOOK 10 DAMN DAYS FOR MY STUFF TO WORK BRO.....
I don't use Nandrolones anymore obviously, but the best advice I can give you is go with Test your first run and if you must run the Deca,,, might wanna really consider running the test with it.
The gamble aint worth it, unless you don't mind the limp noodle


Did you keep your estrogen in check with an AI? I know this can happen because of prolactin build up. I keep Prami on hand just incase when using a 19 nor. I have been able to keep e2 levels in check, so haven't needed it, but I have heard many guys have to use prami or caber or their shit goes limp (deca dick). Just hate to see a brotha give up on a great compound! :)
Did you keep your estrogen in check with an AI? I know this can happen because of prolactin build up. I keep Prami on hand just incase when using a 19 nor. I have been able to keep e2 levels in check, so haven't needed it, but I have heard many guys have to use prami or caber or their shit goes limp (deca dick). Just hate to see a brotha give up on a great compound! :)

Yeah Brother. Unfortunately, I tried it all. I check my levels constantly at work. I am a Medical Lab Tech by trade for 20 years. Plenty of things to run and I have no need for Deca or Tren. LOL...
Did you keep your estrogen in check with an AI? I know this can happen because of prolactin build up. I keep Prami on hand just incase when using a 19 nor. I have been able to keep e2 levels in check, so haven't needed it, but I have heard many guys have to use prami or caber or their shit goes limp (deca dick). Just hate to see a brotha give up on a great compound! :)

The problem with deca is it shuts you down and hangs around so long.... without test you just are gonna be limp.... the myth is that its doesn't happen to everyone but the reality is it will happen to just about everyone that runs just deca. Some run the classic deca and dbol and say "I sisnt run test and had no problems"...yea sure but ya ran the dbol and it basically replaces the test. Run deca by itself and you will have problems after a while. Its not the estrogen or prolactin build up that causes it-its just that you have zero test. If ya run deca your best bet is to run test for a month or so longer... then come off.

Thedunhill225 lives!!!
The problem with deca is it shuts you down and hangs around so long.... without test you just are gonna be limp.... the myth is that its doesn't happen to everyone but the reality is it will happen to just about everyone that runs just deca. Some run the classic deca and dbol and say "I sisnt run test and had no problems"...yea sure but ya ran the dbol and it basically replaces the test. Run deca by itself and you will have problems after a while. Its not the estrogen or prolactin build up that causes it-its just that you have zero test. If ya run deca your best bet is to run test for a month or so longer... then come off.

Thedunhill225 lives!!!

How would DBOL replace test??
How would DBOL replace test??

It keeps the libido intact. You really wanna argue this? Wow.... dbol in regards to libido acts almost like an oral test. One of the all time classic cycles is deca and dbol and no one has that l roblem while on it. Problem with that is people run and stop them at the same time.... dbol is then out ofbthe system in a day and deca takes a good month to be clear enough for the body to even want to start producing test.

Thedunhill225 lives!!!
It keeps the libido intact. You really wanna argue this? Wow.... dbol in regards to libido acts almost like an oral test. One of the all time classic cycles is deca and dbol and no one has that l roblem while on it. Problem with that is people run and stop them at the same time.... dbol is then out ofbthe system in a day and deca takes a good month to be clear enough for the body to even want to start producing test.

Thedunhill225 lives!!!

No bro wasn't looking for an argument. I just never heard of dbol replacing test. I wanted to get some more info on it from you. I appreciate your insight and think its great that this works for you. Didn't know this about Dbol.

Personally I wouldn't run anything without a test base. That is just how I was taught to cycle. There is so many variations that people apply to cycling. Just have to find what works for you.

Peace :)
No bro wasn't looking for an argument. I just never heard of dbol replacing test. I wanted to get some more info on it from you. I appreciate your insight and think its great that this works for you. Didn't know this about Dbol.

Personally I wouldn't run anything without a test base. That is just how I was taught to cycle. There is so many variations that people apply to cycling. Just have to find what works for you.

Peace :)

Sorry man, I did sound argumentative and apologize.

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