Crazy pic of Roelly's arm


that shit is morphed by the camera or just morphed,lol, it doesnt look right , no way
Pretty impossible it would seem for him to wash his back or arm pits let alone wipe his own ass.....dude is a freak for sure
Pretty impossible it would seem for him to wash his back or arm pits let alone wipe his own ass.....dude is a freak for sure
luffa on a stick. cured my back-acne :laugh:
well the closest thing to the camera will look bigger then they really are
I'm going to start holding the camera closer when I'm sending inappropriate pics to unsuspecting females. :laugh:
Holy cow! That can't be real, can it? If that's morphed, they did a really good job. Arm is bigger than his head.
by then it's to late and not my problem. :laugh:

lol, well you had better atleast keep the lights off until penetration, by then at least you'll have gotten a stroke or two off, lol you sick bastards! lol