current weight and BF%


New member
Going to post this for myself so that I can track my weight and BF% everyday or every couple of days. I'm using the Tanita Body Fat Monitor Scale, the athletic edition so it's slightly more accurate. I know it's not great for accuracy because of things like water retention etc. but hopefully the innaccuracy will stay consistent so that i can gauge my level everyday.

Currently only dieting and taking OTC supps. Goal is to continually increase weight and decrease bodyfat over the next few weeks and hopefully start a simple cycle in a few weeks as well. I started out over 210lbs with a BF about 16-17%.

This morning I'm 196.4lbs and BF% is 14.8
nice bro keep up the good work what scale is that?? is it slightly accurate i have one on my scale but it guages like body mass index in there too so it says im 33% or somethin i think i would have had a heart attack by now.
Gbart said:
nice bro keep up the good work what scale is that?? is it slightly accurate i have one on my scale but it guages like body mass index in there too so it says im 33% or somethin i think i would have had a heart attack by now.

yea, Im always like 28%+ on mine, bulked up or dieted down.
Gbart said:
nice bro keep up the good work what scale is that?? is it slightly accurate i have one on my scale but it guages like body mass index in there too so it says im 33% or somethin i think i would have had a heart attack by now.

The Tanita series is pretty good for determining bodyfat percentages, but you have to buy one of the more decent top models to be more accurate. If you get the cheapest one, it won't be very accurate. The phrase "you get what you pay for" is very true with this line of scales. I got my best reading from a top of the line Tanita scale that was being used in a free clinic. The worst from a bottom line model at a gym I used to frequent.
mine is fairly accurate but my BF% changes dramatically depending on my hydration... I can take a leak in the AM and get back on the scale and be +/- a full 1%
this morning:

weight - 197.5
BF% - 13.5

* yesterday started Prop - 50mg ED, Enth 500 EW, 60mg of Var ED

flexarmstrong - I'm 6'2"
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